Greetings people of Earth.  We offer you blessings of love and friendship.  Our Federation is comprised of alien species from all over the universes.  We are not here to attack you or destroy you.  We come in peace.  We have been observing you for millions of years, hoping that you would evolve into a peaceful species that we could welcome into our Federation.  This has not occurred so we have decided to reveal our presence in hopes that we may find a way to work together to solve the many global situations that are impacting the events that threaten your beloved planet Earth.  All life is very sacred to us!

Allow us to introduce Frederick, the creator of this blog.  We have been watching over, guiding, and protecting him since his birth.  He has journeyed many difficult paths in preparation for the tasks that lie before him.  He is our appointed representative, contact, and ambassador to Earth. A few nights ago we instructed him to go outside and take photographs of a specific area of the evening sky.  We then uncloaked our spaceships so he could take images of them to provide visual proof our our presence.  The images of our ships are shown in the two slide shows.  You are only viewing less than 100 ships that can be seen in this small portion of the sky.  We have tens of thousands of space ships positioned all around your world hidden by a cloak of invisibility that cannot be detected by human or the alien technologies of the Anunnaki, Reptilian, or Grays.


These are very distant views of some of our ships.  Most of them are spheres that usually travel in pairs.  The spheres are capable of joining together forming larger space stations.  Two conjoined spheres are shown in the second slide show.  The blue and red space ships belong to different alien species from other galaxies through out the universes.
Larger views of our spaceships.  The image with mottled pink, green, and white shapes is an actual conjoined space station.  A note about these images: We expect the Nay Sayers and disbelievers to dispute the authenticity of the images.  We do not intend to provide further evidence or to debate their authenticity.  The fact remains that no one on your world has produced any photos of this nature, and this is our proof.  End of debate.  For those of you that are believers we offer these photographs as a vision of love, hope and inspiration.

The Constitution of the Federation is a complex series of legally binding laws that governs the way we interface with new evolving worlds.  Every alien species that belong to the Federation must agree to follow these guiding principles before being granted membership in the Federation. Quite often, regardless of our personal feelings or desires, these laws forbid our interference in the evolutionary processes that are under attack by negative alien forces.  The key phrase in our constitution is "Evidence must be proven of the use of aggressive force against the will and desires of the inhabitants without their permission and knowledge".

Unfortunately some world leaders of Earth have given the negative aliens permission to abduct, enslave, and perform genetic experiments upon citizens of Earth without their knowledge in exchange for financial rewards, political positions, weapons, and computer and space vehicle technologies. The negative aliens are not using direct acts of aggression against the citizens of Earth but instead are using the the permission given to them by the bought and paid for defectors to control climate warming and the continuous and unending wars to eliminate resistance and reduce the population of Earth's citizens.

We know you will have many unanswered questions.  All will be answered in time.  This revelation is intended as a message and show of solidarity, commitment, and force to the Anunnaki, Reptilians, and Grays!  We are watching you and our patience grows weary!  Consider the message delivered!

To the citizens of the United States of America; If you don't mind, we will be celebrating your struggle for freedom on the Fourth of July along with you!  The firework displays are so spectacular and beautiful when viewed from high in the sky.  Thank you!

In closing we would like to request that you support Frederick in any way you can to help keep this Blog open and enable him finish his work.