The images and content on this blog are the personal property of Frederick Merat and are excerpts from his upcoming book "They Are Here - See The Proof".  They cannot be copied or reproduced, without obtaining permission from Frederick Merat. 


Image 001M1: This is an overhead view of a very large city on Mars.  The image is approximately 20 miles wide.  Now NASA explains this city away saying it is nothing more than pixelation.  As you view the following images you will clearly see it is not pixelation.
Image 002M2:  In this overhead view you can clearly see some very long parallel buildings.  This cannot be explained away as sand dunes or water erosion.  It is what it is ... buildings!
Image 003M2:  This is a landscape view of a very small portion of the Martian City.  Life on Mars is extremely hazardous and dangerous.  Portions of this city were destroyed by the impact of several small meteorites (the long dark streaks in the picture)!
Image 004M2: Another landscape view of a portion of the Martian city.  It just goes on and on as if there is no end to its city limits.
Image 005M2: These are not natural rock formations.  If they are the likes of them have never been seen or Earth or anywhere else on Mars.
Image 006M2:  The dark rectangular areas are exposed Martian soil.  I suspect they may be some kind of filtration system for eliminating toxins or pollutants from the environment for the occupants of the surrounding buildings.  They may also be actual gardens for growing food or a part of a Terra-Forming system to restore the destroyed planets atmosphere.
Image 007M2: The surface buildings are built close to the ground rising no higher that one or two stories high.  They may actually be the control centers for a Terra-Forming project and the real city extends several miles beneath those surface buildings.
Image 008M2:  These few pictures explain why NASA must disavow the existence of this city.
They may have ulterior motives of trying to make contact with the alien residents in order to obtain a technology and weapons advantage over the other nations of Earth.  They may also be concerned with the possibility of mass hysteria or the impact that such a revelation would have upon the religions beliefs of humanity.  What ever their reasons the people of Earth have the right to know the truth and NASA has a moral obligation to reveal the truth!
Image 009M2:  The city is actually nestled at the base of a series of small hills and mountains. As you can see in this picture portions of the large city are separated by these small ridges. 
Image 010M2: Another reason for constructing the buildings close to the surface is that the average surface wind speed is 20 miles per hour and during dust storms reach speeds exceeding 60 miles per hour.   The strange structure in the red area appears to be two or three stories high and very capable of surviving damage from the highest wind speeds.
Image 011M2:  The object in the red area is not a space craft.  It appears to be a surface entrance leading to the underground portion of the city.
Image 012M2:  This appears to be a small surface building.  The quality of the Google image is too poor to make any assumptions.
Image 013M2:  There is no doubt about what this object is.  It is an alien shuttle craft! This is one of several alien shuttle craft found in the city on mars.
Image 014M2:  This is a landscape view of the alien shuttle craft that prompted be to start this blog.  There is no way of interpreting this vehicle as anything other than an alien shuttle craft!
Image 015M2:  This is an overhead view of the same shuttle craft.  The extreme elongation in Image 014M2 is caused by the optical system in Google Earths camera.  Taking an extreme close up image on a camera with a wide angle lens will give you the same elongated distortion effect. The overhead view shows the actual proportions of the alien shuttle craft.
Image 016M2:  Another view of the same shuttle craft showing a different view of the buildings surrounding its landing site.  The alien shuttle crafts have to be able to take off and land vertically from the horizontal position (Vitol aircraft).
Image 017M2:  Another alien shuttle craft.  It is landed in a portion of the Martian city that was destroyed by two meteorites (red arrows).  They are apparently evacuating or bringing supplies and medical assistance to the Martian citizens in the destroyed portions of the city.  As a matter of fact, all the shuttle crafts shown were landing in and near areas damaged by the meteorite storm.
Image 018M2: An overhead view of another portion of the city.  The object in the red area appears to be three long metallic cylinders joined together.  It may actually be another alien shuttle craft of an entirely different design from the others shown so far.
Image 019M2:  This is a great view of the rectangular Martian soil areas and the top of the surface buildings.  The surface top of the buildings appears to be translucent.  If you look at the expanded image you can see the outlines of buildings beneath the surface structures.  Amazing proof that the city may extend miles beneath the surface of the planet.
Image 020M2: Another overhead view showing the same features as Image 019M2.
Image 021M2:  This overhead view show a long string of interconnected buildings at the top and smaller elongated buildings at the bottom.  The buildings beneath the surface structures are clearly visible without going to the larger view.
Image 022M2: This is a great overhead view.  You can see what appears to be carefully planted fields in the soil segments.  The amazing elongated interconnected buildings remind me of a factory/manufacturing area as seen on Earth.
Image 023M2:  A slightly more distant overhead view of the same area in Image 022M2.  
Image 023M2: A closer view of the same area showing the cross shaped garden area and the inverted E shaped garden area.  What do you think?  Is this a real Martian city or the delusions of a raving lunatic?  Oh, by the way, I also believe this city is occupied by negative aliens that are attempting to take over Earth!  Hence the name for my blog, "Earth Versus Mars".