The Alien Bug In Our DNA

This is by far the most important and complex blog of all.  In the "14 Tablets of Enki" it specifically states that the Anunnaki genetically created human slaves from pre human primates in Africa to mine gold and build their temples.  Before delving into the available evidence to prove the authenticity of the "14 Tablets of Enki" I must my share my following beliefs.

I believe there is only one Supreme Creator.  This Supreme Creator is the mastermind and designer of the complex program called DNA that is the evolutionary blue print for all life in the entire universes.  It is self correcting and self adapting to anomalies introduced by environmental, natural diseases, viral infections, and man made interventions and trauma.  This is not an instantaneous process but will often take thousands and even tens of thousands of years before purging the original DNA of the incompatible and undesirable mutations.

Now I am sure most of you are aware of the meeting of our worlds most brilliant scientists and genetic researchers at Harvard College.  Their exuberance was colossal as they revealed the latest advances in mapping the human genome, cutting and splicing the DNA strand, and the potentials for finding new drugs for eliminating diseases and infections that attack these crippling deforming, and sometimes life threatening anomalies directly at the DNA level.  Simply astounding and amazing!

They gingerly sidestepped the moral issues of creating a super human race, the use of animal stem cells to grow organs to be transplanted in humans, cloning a long extinct mastodon, and inter species DNA splicing, preferential treatment of the haves versus prejudicial discrimination and treatment of the have not's!  Ignoring and downplaying these issues denies the existence of the Frankenstein that lives within a minority of the scientists but their very existence means that someday one of them will break all the rules and begin to play god with our DNA!  That is exactly what the Anunnaki did thousands of years ago in Mesopotamia.
This image is between 5,000 to 6,000 years old and was found in Mesopotamia.  The natural interpretation would be that the definite animal like creatures are ancient gods of the Anunnaki. Other ancient texts say that the Anunnaki created the reptilian race of aliens.  Well these creatures in this carving certainly appear to be reptilians.  I believe this carving is a record of the Anunnaki's success using a technique called recombinant DNA which all of our genetic scientists and researchers are aware of.  The definition of "Recombinant DNA" is genetically engineered DNA usually incorporating DNA from more than one species of organism.  I will support this claim in a separate gallery with many more ancient carvings of reptilian creatures including the laboratory where the Reptilian aliens were created.

Now lets take a look at some shocking information about what our Genetic engineers and scientist really know about the human genome.  I did a simple search on Google for "Junk DNA" and got the following results.

In genetics, the term junk DNA refers to regions of DNA that are noncoding.  DNA contains instructions (coding) that are used to create proteins in the cell. However, the amount of DNA contained inside each cell is vast and not all of the genetic sequences present within a DNA molecule actually code for a protein.  Nov 17, 2014

What is the purpose of noncoding DNA?
In genomics and related disciplines, noncoding DNA sequences are components of an organism's DNA that do not encode protein sequences.

What percent of the human genome is protein coding?
The amount of total genomic DNA varies widely between organisms, and the proportion of coding and noncoding DNA within these genomes varies greatly as well.  More than 98% of the human genome does not encode protein sequences, including most sequences within introns and most intergenic DNA.

How much DNA do we actually use?
In 2012, scientists with the ENCODE project, a huge catalog of all noncoding DNA in the human genome, declared that 80 percent of our DNA was active and performing some function. Now scientists at Oxford have analyzed the human genome and claim that less than 10 percent of our DNA is functional.

What percentage of human genome is junk DNA?
Human genome is over 90% 'junk' DNA – study.  Less than 9.5 percent of human DNA is functional, according to Oxford University researchers.  This overturns the mainstream theory that 80 percent of the human genome is of some biological importance.

Well so much for the billions of dollars spent in research and paying top dollar to the scientists and researchers to find out that really don't know anything about DNA.  This really worries me and it should also be a concern to you!  Micro gods trying to become the Supreme God!  Perhaps they will become like the Anunnaki gods and make the same mistakes the Anunnaki made.  They really aren't much different from us ... they ending up making war upon each other and destroyed most of their cities with nuclear weapons and almost destroyed Earth in the process.  I apologize for all the ranting and raving but I really am concerned about the direction the human race is heading in.  
After the Anunnaki genetically altered the primitive prehuman bipeds in Africa to make human slaves they put them to work in the fields and building their massive temples called Ziggurats.  This is one of their partially reconstructed temples.  All of their temples were destroyed in the inter family war between the Anunnaki.
This is all that was left of the massive Ziggurats after the nuclear weapons were launched.  There are 18 known destroyed Ziggurats in Mesopotamia.  This does not include the ones found in the Indus Valley region.  You may question the reality of nuclear weapons 6,000 years ago but don't forget, the Anunnaki were aliens that came to Earth in their advanced space ships.  The "14 Tablets of Enki" describe in detail the use and horrific effects of these weapons.
This image shows the human slaves working on building an Anunnaki Ziggurat.
The Anunnaki were a cruel, vicious, heartless, pathetic, unscrupulous, incestuous, alien race.  This enlargement from the previous picture shows two Anunnaki guards holding up the decapitated heads of three human slaves.


I made this timeline image to show you that Enki has been worshiped as a God as early as 6,000 B.C.  The stories about creation of man and the great flood can all be found in the "14 tablets of Enki" parts of which were found in 5,000 B.C. and 4,000 B.C. ... long before the old testament Bible was written.
I created this chart to show you the horrific results the genetic experiments that Enki and his scientists performed beyond the genetic creation of humankind.  He conducted those experiments in Africa, Mesopotamia, China, and the Indus Valley reaching most of the major continents of the world. The detailed evidence supporting this chart will be found in the following images and galleries. Where ever possible, I try to refrain from using interpretations from the multitude of tablets elaborating in detail the events and accomplishments of Enki, Ianna, and Gilgamish.  Just like our modern day writers and news reporters are swayed and influenced by their own political, religious, financial, and personal agendas ... very often presenting misleading, deceptive, distorted, and biased versions of the real truth ... the ancient scribes were also influenced by the same ulterior motives.  A villain can actually be turned into a saint by the personal agendas of the writer. This blog relies heavily upon the indisputable visual evidence left behind by the ancient gods in their art and destroyed cities to give a more accurate picture of their accomplishments and agendas.    
They used the process of "Recombinent DNA" or "Cross Species DNA" splicing to create all sorts of deviant and frightening creatures that were an abomination to the Supreme Creator.  The Anunnaki truly believed they were gods and not only had the right to do so but also had the power to do so!  As this picture shows they created wolf and half man-half fish creatures.  There was no limit to their perversity!  They created griffins with the heads of men, women, lions, and birds. They created vampires, unicorns, and even lower gods with wings and the head of a bird.  These creatures were used to control, frighten, dominate, and force the human slaves to follow every order and command of the Anunnaki or suffer death at the hands of these monstrosities.




Small effigy figurines were left behind by the Anunnaki providing more evidence of their creation of the Reptilian alien race.


The average height of an Anunnaki was ten feet making them formidable, ferocious and fearless warriors and hunters.  Perhaps through legend and absorption they became a part of the Bible in the following text: Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of man and they bore children to them. These were the mighty men who were of old, the men of renown.  The above image shows a single Anunnaki warrior attacking and killing a lion! 
This image has been interpreted as showing Enki holding his first born son to his Anunnaki wife. The only problem with this interpretation is that his Anunnaki wife was not here on Earth, but remained on their home planet Nibiru.  These carvings are a record of events that took place on Earth and not events that took place on their home planet.  Enki did in fact have intercourse with a beautiful human slave/servant woman who bore him a son.  In a sense, this child was a hybrid, being half human and half Anunnaki and indeed confirms the Biblical reference in the bible.  This is also when the alien (Anunnaki) DNA bug was implanted though natural cohabitation, into the DNA of the human race.  Other male Anunnaki followed the precedence established by Enki and also had intercourse with other female human slaves/servants.  Their offspring would of course be hybrids carrying both the human and Anunnaki DNA.  More about this in another section.


These are some very unusual effigies from the Mesopotamian region dating back 5,500 years. They are known by the names Igigi, the Watchers, and the Eyes.  Thousands have been found in temples, individual homes, and graves.  Their purpose is unknown.  Perhaps they were a benevolent alien species that was concerned about the Anunnaki agenda but were bound by binding non-interference agreements.  Perhaps they did not have the technology to confront and defeat the Anunnaki.  Maybe the best they could do was to comfort and encourage the enslaved humans, telling them that they have eyes everywhere and are watching and monitoring the Anunnaki from their spaceships orbiting Earth, hence the "All Seeing Eye In The Sky" befriended the suppressed and enslaved genetically modified humans.


The amazing similarities between this alien species known as the Wandjinas from Australia and the Igigi aliens from the Mesopotamian area are incredible.  They have been dated to be over 4,000 years old.  After the atomic wars between the Anunnaki family members that destroyed most of civilization in Mesopotamia and the Indus Valley the Igigi may have relocated to the uncontaminated regions of Australia to continue their effort to guide and watch over the evolving genetically modified human race.  What I am trying to do is connect all the dots together.  On the surface of the Earth several different alien species are attempting to control and manipulate the events taking place on Earth.  The destroyed cities that I have found on the bottom of Earths oceans are all connected to the ancient atomic wars that took place between the aliens.  The huge megaliths, the massive mining operations, the rapid transit systems, Star Gates, Terra-Formers, and modern alien cities that lie at the bottom of Earths oceans are all part of the alien agenda to take over Earth.  


This image clearly has documented that the Anunnaki aliens did in fact have nuclear missiles!  The traditional archaeological and scientific community will naturally reject this theory based upon their own professional interpretations.  I view these images as almost childlike engravings of a very complex technology that the artist had no way of interpreting or understanding.  They are very symbolic in nature.  For example you see a rocket like object being carried upon the back of an animal.  My interpretation is that it symbolically represents a portable missile launching system. The professional community sees the symbols for the god Marduk which are a spade and a dragon.  At this point I will only say that the projectile looks more like a missile than a spade and will concede that the animal carrying the projectile could pass for a simplistic dragon.  I am adding an extensive gallery and discussion of similar drawings that will allow each of you to assimilate and make up your own minds as to their hidden meanings.
One of the most beautiful creatures that the Anunnaki genetically manufactured was the fabled Unicorn.  As a child I grew up loving and fantasizing about this wonderful and beautiful creature and it is exhilarating to accept the possibility that they were real.  But once again I am at odds with the orthodox interpretations of the the scientific and professional archaeological experts.  They have unanimously interpreted the creature in this image as a bull.  Yes it does appear to have the body of a bull but I only see one horn coming out of the center of its forehead.  The ancient artisans definitely knew how to create images of bulls with two horns and there is an abundance of these images available as well as a proliferation of unicorns with the horn placed squarely in the middle of the forehead.  I have added a Unicorn gallery ... but I must forewarn you to be prepared to experience disturbing emotions.  The Anunnaki did not create the Unicorn for its beauty but for their inhumane and pervasive sporting engagements. 
The Anunnaki are a warrior alien species.  They saw the humans that they genetically created as both expendable and a source of amusement.  Marduk, one of Enki's successors said we know everything about making war so we will teach the humans all about making war and enjoy watching them kill each other.  It is small wonder that their genetically modified humans still living in the middle Eastern countries today are such brutal and vicious terrorists and savage killers?!   

It is difficult to determine whether the Anunnaki loved war or the sport of hunting the most.  The Anunnaki male stood between nine to ten feet in height and provided a formidable opponent to both man and beast!  


The "14 Tablets Of Enki" and the "Epic Of Gilgamesh" give accounts about the "Great Flood" that would encompass the world and destroy most of humanity.  Perhaps that is why the Anunnaki genetically created mermen and men fish creatures.  Their accounts seem to parallel the story about Noahs Ark in the bible and may actually be the original authors and source of this Biblical event. The descendants of the Anunnaki settled in the area known as Mesopotamia and the larger area of the "Fertile Crescent and did have access to the Arabian Sea and the Persian Gulf.  The images in my gallery may be portraying the "Great Flood" or just be showing everyday excursions on the Arabian Sea and Persian Gulf.


Did giants roam the Earth in ancient times?  Could these carvings be the source of the stories in our Bible about the sons of god that married the daughters of man?


Neolithic cultures and writing began in all four major areas of evolving civilizations simultaneously approximately 6,000 years ago.  They were in Mesopotamia, the Indus Valley, Egypt, and China. It is highly probable that these events were more than coincidence and were in fact the result of the Anunnaki's master plan of world domination.  After all they did have spaceships which enabled them to access any part of Earth they desired.  Were they creating genetically altered human slaves in all of these areas and building cities for the arrival of their royal family members in these remote global regions?  It would be advantageous for Enki to keep the royal family at a distance making it difficult for them to keep tabs on his ambitious agenda and activities.  In the previous image I established the connection between the Indus Valley (India) and Mesopotamia via the Arabian Sea and the Persian Gulf.  I feel it appropriate to include statues from the Indus Valley civilization.  Cities in the Indus Valley and Mesopotamia were wiped out by nuclear explosions.


In order to prove my theory that civilization began advancing in all major areas of the world simultaneously I had to find evidence that China was included and a part of Enki's plan for global domination.  Incredible evidence was found in the Hong Shan culture in inner Mongolia which is a part of China.  The above image is a small figurine showing an alien being that was made by genetically modified humanoid slaves in the Hong Shan culture.  The evidence in China provides indisputable visual proof of genetic manipulation using DNA from embryos and there is even a pyramid that was built to serve as a temporary residence for Enki's arriving royal family members ... all located in the area of the Hong Shan culture in Mongolia.  The carved figurines and the pyramid are over 5,000 years old which perfectly aligns with the beginning time frames for the civilizations in Mesopotamia, the Indus Valley, and Egypt.  I have included an extensive Chinese gallery ... you do not want to miss visiting this gallery.  It will blow your mind!


Regretfully, I must temporarily stop working on this section.  In the future I will be adding more galleries.  Please feel free to contact me by email to share your thoughts and any questions that you may have.  I will get back to you ASAP.  Please help me get this information out to the world. Link it to all your social media sites and send emails to all of your friends.  I am really working with some serious financial difficulties and if there is any way you can make a donation to lessen this burden and keep this site open ... any size donation would be greatly appreciated.  God bless you all!