

The images and content on this blog are the personal property of Frederick Merat.  They cannot be copied or reproduced, without obtaining permission from Frederick Merat. 


Image 001AL:  This is the image of an alien mining operation that was stolen from my site.  The individual then did a search on Google Earth and published it on his own website claiming it as his own discovery!  He also published the geographical co-ordinates for this structure.  By doing this he has just placed the security of the United States and the world in jeopardy!  I do not publish the geographical co-ordinates for this reason.  This site and so many of the others I have found are on the West coast of the United States.  This site is not only operational there is a great possibility that their operations are disrupting the fault lines of that region.  This may be intentional or simply a result of their mining activities.  This irresponsible individual may just have awakened the sleeping giant!  Any attempt to explore this site may ignite a war between the aliens that we are not yet prepared to fight!
Image 002AL:  This is a small segment of an alien pipeline and mining operation that extends for over 250 miles in length.  It has extraction centers at each end of the pipeline for separating and removing valuable minerals to be sent to their home world.  Here again I believe their operations are contributing to fault line instability in the region.  
Image 003AL:  This is an image of an alien rapid transit system at the bottom of Earths oceans. It is operational and definitely surrounded by large populated city complexes.  The aliens have built these clandestine facilities without permission of the citizens of Earth but perhaps with the permission of certain individuals responsible for protecting their self interests at the expense of the citizens of Earth.  I have deleted the geographical co-ordinates from all of my images for everyone's protection including my own!  I have also stated that I would be willing to set down with any government or military branch to disclose these locations along with my own suggestions on how to combat and destroy these territorial invasions by the aliens!  So far none has contacted me!
Image 004AL:  This is another alien rapid transit system.  You can easily see the enormous occupied buildings (actually city complexes) all around the rapid transit line.  Are you beginning to understand why I say we must not reveal the locations of these images for the safety and security of the United States and the world?  Not only are there aliens living in these cities they are also a source for hiding massive amounts of military hardware including UFOs!  In my blog "Are We At War With The Aliens-Part 2" I clearly show that we are indeed at war with the aliens. Unfortunately we are attacking an enemy that we know nothing about: How to destroy them; How many are they?; Where are they located?;  What are their vulnerabilities?;  What kind of weapons do they have?  We are taking the shot gun approach and hoping that we are hitting the target or even hurting them.  All we are doing making the situation more dangerous.
Image 005AL:  This is an image of the infamous "Bug City" complex.  What you need to know about this image is that the "Bugs" are actually destroyed parts of a much larger alien metropolis that is still occupied by aliens.  The destroyed parts were the result of a war between the aliens secretly occupying our oceans.  There is absolutely no way of estimating how large this infestation of our planet is from these images.  It could easily be as large as the population of humans living on the surface of planet Earth!  Does anyone think we are prepared to go to war with an unknown alien enemy?
Image 006AL:  This is another huge, and I mean huge alien city that is in relatively pristine condition.  There are some areas that show minimal damage but like the city on Mars, it is what lies beneath the surface that important.  There may be huge underground cities beneath the surface wall like structures.  How can you estimate the size of an alien population when you cannot see beneath the surface of their city complex?  
Image 007AL:  This alien complex is located in one of the polar regions.  The aliens are in all areas around our globe including the Arctic and Antarctic!  They have been preparing for a very long time to colonize our beautiful planet!  They prefer to do it without our knowledge or interference ... but believe me ... they will fight back ferociously if attacked!
Image 008AL:  This image is from the alien city on the bottom of Earths oceans that resembles the city on Mars.  The longest tubular structure is able to fit two Empire State Buildings end to end and still have room left over.  This city is the central control and command center for all the alien structures around the world.  It is covertly hidden in an area that is surrounded by hundreds of extinct volcanoes.  The area it is located in is often plagued by underwater tremors and tsunamis. I suspect they are intentionally created by the aliens in this city!  Exposing the geographical location for this city will most certainly cause a global war with the aliens.  The size of these buildings can easily house thousand upon thousands of UFOs!
Image 009Al:  I launched this blog on July 4th, 2016 with an important message from the friendly aliens that are trying to find a way to protect Earth from the negative aliens attempting to take over our beautiful planet.  They are extremely unhappy and concerned about the impact upon their efforts to find a peaceful solution to this mess.  When the individual copied the images from this blog and duplicated the search results on Google Earth, posting the images on his website with geographical co-ordinates and claiming them as his own discovery, he seriously jeopardized their negotiations and endangered the security of the United States and the entire world!  This extreme type of plagiarism will not be tolerated!

What has been done cannot be changed!  So instead I want to share a little good news with you. There is what I am calling a rogue friendly alien species that has been invited to join the Federation.  It has declined the invitation because of the non-interference laws of the Federations constitution.  They are extremely concerned about the events taking place on Earth and are impatiently waiting to see what events transpire.  They have a fleet of 13 battleships that are equipped with technology and weapons that are millions of years ahead of all the combined forces of every alien species.  Their ships are powered by quantum energy and they travel anywhere in all of the universes and dimensions in "No Time" using the quantum grid.  What that means in laymen's language is that they could be stationed near Mars, enter the co-ordinates of Earth and appear in orbit around Earth in seconds!  Their weapons could eliminate every alien on Earth in seconds without harming one human being!  They do have a great reverence and respect for all life, and the Federation is banking on that quality in order to find a way to work with them and encourage them to become a valuable and contributing asset to the Federation.  I will keep you updated of our progress!