
Star Seed Analysis


What is a "Star Seed"?  The generally accepted definition is an individual incarnated in a physical body on Earth that has it's origins in star systems beyond Earths solar systems. This is actually a limiting definition because everyone on Earth is actually a Star Seed.  The constellations and star systems of Sirius, Andromeda, the Pleiades, Vega, Arcturus, Orion, Cygnus, and Lyra are the more familiar and popular origins referenced in contemporary sources.  The wisdom and knowledge defining these origins lies in the ancient awareness of our early "Star Seed" masters. As they gazed upon the heavens, they visually could see the constellations of their origins.  In order to assist the constant arrival of new Star Seeds to find their point of origin, they created a map of the heavens called the "Signs Of The Zodiac". 
New "Star Seeds" are driven by an overwhelming unconscious or conscious need and desire to return to their home in the stars.  If they are not aware of their purpose and destiny for this incarnation, seeking out the location of their original point of origin in the stars will begin to activate the memory of implanted purpose and assignment.  They will automatically be drawn to the Zodiac cluster that is nearest the star system from which they came.
In this image of the Taurus Zodiac you can see the location of the Pleiades star cluster.  The "Star Seeds" incarnated on Earth from the Pleiades will instinctively be drawn to the Taurus Zodiac and the activation of their life purpose will automatically begin.  Now here is the "Fly In The Ointment".   Activation does not mean automatic awareness, acceptance, or accomplishment of your purpose and your life mission!  What!!!!???  Unfortunately this is true!  Why?  It is called conflict of priorities!

You have been incarnated in a physical body in a physical world that places basic instinctive survival needs that take priority.


As this portion continues we will be offering the opportunity to have the first ever DNA analysis that will isolate the alien components showing all the different alien DNA that is hidden in your own DNA and indicate the constellation that you as a Star Seed came from .  You will also have the opportunity to have a DNA compatibility analysis of your chosen or potential mate.  You are welcome to have your children's DNA analyzed as well.