
Alien Rapid Transit System #1

Another new discovery made on 4-8-2016 of a Rapid Transit System and a very large alien city at the bottom of Earths oceans.
These incredible images shows two interconnected rapid transit systems connecting to various parts of the huge alien city.  The red arrows point to what I am calling the red line and the green arrows of course point to the green line.  This particular image is 148 miles wide by 111 miles in height. This comes our to an area of 16, 428 square miles.  Now here is the mind blower, this image is only a partial view of the entire city!
The Red arrow with a #1 shows the red line branching off from the green line.  The arrow with a #2 shows the red line entering under a small hill or mountain and the #3 arrow shows it exiting from the mountain.  The green line continues horizontally where it begins to branch out to other parts of the city. 
The blue arrows in this image are pointing to buildings in this massive alien city being serviced by the red line.  The rapid transit line appear to be massive tubular tunnels that are approximately .8 miles in diameter.
There is another section of this massive alien city shown just to the right of red transit line which are highlighted by the blue arrows.

This is obviously an incredibly important find and will be analyzed in great detail with many more images and my conclusions in a separate chapter in my up coming book "They Are Here - See the Proof". 

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