
Rama's Bridge To Sri Lanka

The images and content on this blog is the culmination of my life's work.  I have taken extreme efforts to enlarge and improve the quality of the the images to make them easier for you to view them.  Please respect these efforts and do not use or copy any content or images without getting approval from me.  They will be used in my upcoming book "They Are Here-See The Proof"

In 2003 NASA released satellite images of a previously unknown submerged land bridge connecting India with Sri Lanka.  NASA named this enigmatic land mass Adams Bridge.  The submerged portion of the land mass is approximately 18 miles long.  This discovery launched a heated debate as to whether the bridge was a natural formation or an artificial land bridge.  NASA stated that the image appeared to be a natural land bridge and disavowed all statements attributed to them on the Internet expressing that it was a man made bridge.
Some say it was built by Rama to save his abducted wife Sita from the Rakshasa king, Ravana whose kingdom was located in Sri Lanka.  Ancient Indian Sanskrit texts known as the Ramayana describe in detail the building of this bridge by Rama and Lakshmana with the assistance of Hanuman and the Vanara (Ape Men) army.  One interpretation of the the Ramayana say the land bridge was built by Rama 1,700,000 years ago.  Other interpretations of the Ramayana date the building of the the land bridge about 3,500 years ago.  This date agrees with radiocarbon dating from beaches along the bridge and tends to support the Ramayama account.
The sea separating India and Sri Lanka is called Sethusamudram meaning "Sea of the Bridge". Maps prepared by a Dutch cartographer in 1747 show this area as Ramancoil, a colloquial form of the Tamil Raman Kovil (or Rama's Temple).  Another map of Mughal India prepared by J. Rennel in 1788 called this area as "the area of the Rama Temple".  Some say this is referring to the temple dedicated to Rama at Rameswaram but I have a different interpretation.  My research will show that the entire land bridge contained a series of temples built by and dedicated to Rama to immortalize the rescue of his abducted wife from the evil Ravana, hence the name “Rama's Temple”.
The following excerpts from various scientific theories have some commonalities that are very important. “The friable calcerous ridges are broken into large rectangular blocks, which perhaps gave rise to the belief that the causeway is an artificial construction.”  “The crustal thinning theory results in block faulting and a ridge forming in the region.”  “The lack of comprehensive field studies explains many of the uncertainties regarding the nature and origin of Adam's Bridge, which essentially consists of a series of parallel ledges of sandstone and conglomerates that are hard at the surface and grow coarse and soft as they descend to sandy banks.”  In this case "field studies" means actually investigating and taking samples of the submerged portions of the artificial bridge.  The Ramayama specifically states that the Rama Bridge was built out of huge rectangular blocks of stone mixed with wooden trunks from trees.  Before going any further with my research I wanted to see if in fact I would be able to see outlines of the stone blocks in the satellite image of the Rama Bridge.  I started by taking an image on Google Earth of the area highlighted in red.
This is the image of the red high lighted area.  There is a profusion of scientific explanations for the existence of the Rama Bridge.  One says it was formed by the process of accumulation and rising of the land.  Another says it was formed by the breaking away of Sri Lanka from the Indian mainland.  Others attribute its existence to lower sea levels and its disappearance to rising sea levels.  In my opinion, theories without evidence to back them up ... are just that ... theories!  This lack of initiative and scientific protocol may be caused by conflicting outside influences.

Certain influential powers in the Government of India have approved a multi-million dollar Sethusamudram Shipping Canal Project that aims to create a ship channel across the Palk Bay cutting directly across the Rama Bridge.  A problem in navigation exists because big ships cannot travel in the shallow waters of the Pamban channel.  Dredging in this channel would cost more than dredging a channel in the Rama Bridge area, where the waters are comparatively deep and lesser earth would have to be dredged.  In spite of proposed alternatives and strong opposition from environmental and religious groups the government of India seems adamant in their decision to dredge the Rama Bridge area.  All too often sacred structures are sacrificed in the name of progress.  In the case of the Rama Bridge, the proof of a legend and national heritage to all people of India will be destroyed and lost forever!
This is a forensically enhanced image of the previous image.  It took me over 75 hours to perfect the forensic process to minimize excessive distortion.  As you can clearly see the patterns of block like structures (stones) became visible.  The next step was to enlarge areas of the image so that the stone blocks could be viewed better.  I took several more images of the Rama Bridge and repeated the process for each image.  Each magnified image had to be forensically enhanced again to clarify the details of each enlarged image.  The incredible results are shown below. 
This image appears to be a very complex group of temples and buildings.
A close up of a strange object or temple with adjacent buildings.
Two very interesting temples.  The left one is a unique cross shaped structure.
Another complicated temple complex. 
The temples (buildings) in this image are very unique and unusual.
I am at a disadvantage when it comes to interpreting the meanings of these beautiful temples and buildings.  Only someone from India might be able to understand and interpret these lovey structures.
You must remember that these images represent the buildings and temples as seen from a directly overhead view.  At this point in time I have no way of referencing or calculating the size of the structures.
Now we are getting to the interesting discovery.  More and more I was beginning to find temples with crosses at the central core of its design.  This particular image shows two conjoined temples with the cross in the center of each temple.
Another temple complex with some very unusual designs.  Notice the temple group with the cross shaped temple on the right side of the interconnecting buildings.
Another beautiful cluster of temples.  The two conjoined temples have the cross shaped centers.
I do believe that these images contain messages and instructions left behind by Rama.  They pertain to the new Golden Age that is about to begin.  For example, the radically different designs of the temples tell us that in the new Golden Age all religions of all species are important, to be honored and respected, and can harmoniously exist side by side.  The new Golden Age can be eternal if we find a way to make peace and leave behind wars, prejudice, greed, distrust, and all things that dishonor the wonderfulness and perfection that the Divine Creator made us in.   
The casual reader might assume that these images are only relevant to the people of Indian.  They are actually important to all people of Earth.  During the Golden Age of Rama which lasted ten thousand years, Rama united all people of the the world, ending all wars, and peace, harmony, prosperity, and universal love encompassed the entire globe.  The DNA of the people of India was blended into all people, making us blood brothers and sisters everywhere.   
This is a close up image of two conjoined twin star shaped temples.  Random rocks and pixilation cannot explain the intricate design of these temples yet they exist on the Rama Bridge beneath the waters that conceal their secrets. 
I just had to include this close up image of one of the most unique and ornate temples that I have found on the Rama Bridge.  Although it not a star shaped temple, it is truly a star by design.
This is an excellent close up of the cross shaped temple.  First notice the cross shape in the center of the temple.  Then notice the diagonal arms extending outward from the cross.  It forms a four pointed star.  Within the larger outward arms of the four pointed star are smaller four pointed stars that are white and black in color.  All cross shaped temples share these same design characteristics.  
Two conjoined cross shaped temples.  The abundance of these temples takes randomness out of the equation and provides astronomical evidence for their intentional and purposeful design.
Their perfect balance and harmony seems to be projecting a spiritual and energizing energy.  If used in meditations it will begin to awaken your memories of your many lifetimes and the purpose for which you were created in this lifetime.
If the Rama Bridge is destroyed by the powers to be these temples and all of their surrounding glory will disappear forever.  Part of my responsibilities is to record and visually preserve the evidence of the existence of ancient civilizations that have been destroyed thru war or the encroachment of civilization.  To that end I have taken 260 images of the buildings and temples on the Rama Bridge.
Another close up of a cross shaped temple.
This is another one of those "Must Show" temples.  It is a cross shaped temple conjoined to a group of other temple buildings.  No randomness here, just the reality of the existence of these wonderfully beautiful temples.
There are a few cross shaped temples that are slightly different from the traditional design.  You can see the cross in the center of the temple.  The four pointed star extending outward from the cross only contains one extension level.  Within that extension level you can still see the white and black smaller four pointed stars.
I just love this image of two side by side cross shaped temples.  In some ways it looks like a star map of some distant planetary system.  Perhaps the home of the ancient Gods that came to Earth to influence the evolution of the human race.
Something kept gnawing at my subconscious mind.  There seemed to be something missing in my research.  I went back in on Google Earth and was led to this image of two side by side temples that had alluded me.  Although identically physically they are reverse images of each other.   These two temples were built by Rama to dedicated and commemorate his undying love for his beautiful wife Sita.  The one on the left is dedicated to Rama and the one on the right is dedicated to Sita.  Both energies are perfectly balanced and in harmony but also opposite representing the Yin and Yang energies within the body.
Another cross shaped temple.  I would like to take this time to invite any and all questions and comments that you may have about these images and research.  Just send me an email and I will get back to you as soon as possible.
I have created this animated gif of the larger pictures of the temples.  It is my gift to all of you. You can download the image to your computer by clicking on the image of the animated gif.  The full size image will then appear.  Right click on the image and a box will appear asking you to save as.  Click save and it will automatically down load the image to your computer.  You can then use the image for private and group meditations to receive the hidden messages, spiritual and healing energies emanating from the images.  God Bless!