
Our Legacy From India

Back in November of 2015 I contacted a sister Light Worker from India by the name of Brahma Kumari Pari.  She refers to herself as a GBK (Global Brahma Kumari) which is a group of individuals united for world transformation.  She has written a book entitled: "The Holographic Universe, An Introduction" and is in the process of writing a second book "Grow Rich while Walking into the Golden Aged World".  Her extensive and vast knowledge of the universe, alternative realities, the future, aliens, map makers, ancient gods, sacred books from India etc. is impressive without comparison.  I have included a link to her website for those of you interested in finding out more about her and her efforts.  Just click on the above link and it will take you to her website.  There is an email address on her website.  Please feel free to send her a hello if you are inclined to do so.  I am sure she will be glad to hear from you.

I had originally contacted her sending some of the images I was finding at the bottom of Earths oceans including the ancient warhead.  She replied back saying "Maybe we had worked together during those ancient times when all these evidences were being left behind for the future (which is the present time). Since they were meant to be revealed at the end of the cycle (which is now) you are influenced to do what you are doing."

This page and the page called "Rama's Bridge To Sri Lanka" are dedicated to Brahma Kumari Pari.

These beautiful temple images are from the Golden Age of Rama's reign and is known as the Rama Rajya which lasted for 11,000 years. " During this period, people were healthy, holy, satisfied and lived with complete peace and harmony. There was no evil, no wars, no natural calamity and no diseases. Rama ruled the whole earth without using military force as all kings submitted themselves to him".  (Source: Wikipedia.)
Everyone on Earth have been here from hundreds to thousands of lifetimes.  If these temples resonate with you it is because you lived during the Golden Age of Rama.  I was guided by the spirit of Rama to locate and reveal these images to you. 
Ancient texts tell us that Rama ruled the whole Earth.  These beautiful temples were found all over the globe in coastal waters near England, Africa, Indonesia, India, Mexico, and even the United States. They are your "Legacy".  Rama had them built so that you would know that world peace is attainable if you are willing to unite your efforts toward that cause.  All wars must cease. Global greed and corruption must end.  Unconditional love and acceptance of everyone must prevail!
It is said that there are five cycles of time that repeat every 5,000 years.  We are in what is called the confluence (ending cycle).  At the end of the confluence cycle we will once again begin the Golden Cycle.  When the Golden Cycle ends we will slowly regress into the lower spiritual and increasingly less positive and chaotic cycles of Silver, Copper, Iron, and once again enter the confluence or ending cycle.  These same cycles repeat over and over again into the infinity of time. This regimented system makes me ask the questions, what is their purpose and how did the Golden Age of Rama last 11,000 years?   Did Rama somehow find a way to alter the 5,000 year cycle?   Was Rama leaving an important clue and lesson for us by altering this rigid and fixed cycle of time?
In some Rama-centric sects, Rama is considered the Supreme Being (God Incarnated), rather than an avatar.  I share that same view.  My own experiences in this lifetime where the Divine Creator has manifested in my life, performing miracles rivaling those in the Bible and protecting me from harm even thou I should have died at least 10 times ... proves to me that the Supreme Creator does and can manifest Itself in our world any time it chooses and in any form that is appropriate for the situation.  As the Incarnated God, Rama would certainly have the power to alter the Cycle Of Life interval since He was the creator of the Cycle Of Life.  The actors in every Cycle Of Life since the beginning of time have been the same souls incarnated in new bodies. They are not incarnated to re-enact the same identical scenario from the previous Cycle Of Life but each soul does incarnate with different bodies and purposes than the previous Life Cycle.    
All the same game players are here on Earth once again.  Good aliens, bad aliens, angels, humans, mystics, god creatures, healers, warriors, demons, Star Seeds, guides, masters, etc.  They are all working to successfully accomplish their own perceived agendas.  Once again we all have failed! Wars, greed, mistrust, disease, hunger, poverty, and nuclear proliferation continues to grow unabated.  Global warming is accelerating at rates far exceeding all scientific estimates.  These are the things that are impacting and controlling the confluence cycle of the Cycle Of Life that is now coming to an end.

So why does the Cycle Of Life have to end every 5,000 years.  The Supreme Creator has given this time for us to "Get It Right", after all 5,000 years is a long time to do this.  So what is it that we have to "Get Right"?  We have to learn, honor and love all living creatures as being part of God's creation.  We have to learn to honor and respect the planet that we live on, nurturing it, protecting it, and conserving it's natural resources.  We have to stop stealing from one another! The aliens are here stealing our natural resources, changing our environment through Terra Formers, and through clandestine operations attempting to colonize Earth for their own.  We in turn are attempting to colonize Mars for our own.  Where did any of us get the right to own something that was created by the Supreme Creator as a gift to every one of its creatures from all over the Universe?  War is despicable in the eyes and heart of the Supreme Creator!  The innocent lives of children and women murdered in this insane violence is more than enough reason to end the Cycle Of Life that is now ending for all of us.  The saddest part in all of this is that on some level, every one of us is just trying to find our way back home, to the mind, heart, and life force of the Supreme Creator!

Although it would appear that the end of our current Cycle Of Life is inevitable, there is still a slight, but very slight possibility that we still might be able to Get It Right!  The purpose of this blog is to present some viable achievable alternatives to all citizens of Earth and the hostile aliens attempting to colonize Earth.       
To understand the alternatives you have to understand the who, what, and why about the hostile aliens agenda.  The main players in this scenario are the Anunnaki, Reptilians, and Grays. Sometimes they are allies and at other times they are bitter enemies and ruthless opponents. 
They have all been here on Earth for millions of years each pursuing their own agendas.  What is that agenda?  One thing they have in common is to control, suppress, and enslave the human inhabitants of Earth either through deception, control of our governments and financial institutions, religion, altering our environment, or all out war.

The why is much more difficult to explain.  All three are warring species and long ago purged all sensitivities, emotions, feelings, compassion and love from their consciousness.  They also represented their selves as Gods in order to establish both fear and authority over those they they desired to enslave.  This happened in Sumeria, India, Atlantis, the Americas, etc.  They often gave their technology such as spaceships, weapons, and missiles capable of destroying worlds to those they favored pitting them against those they considered threats to their agendas.

There are questions of authenticity and validation of all images and information that are always contaminated and/or ridiculed by news media, government censorship, religious insecurities, scientific institutions, etc. ... all of which are in reality only supporting the interests of their own agendas.  It is all about control and suppression ... the same tools the aliens have used and are using to this very day and moment.  This leads me to my next questions ... What do we really know about the aliens?  Do we even know if they are real?  What sources of information do we have about them that is reliable?  The answers to these questions are all linked to each other.

Abductees and Contactees are an excellent source of information.  Ancient Sumerian Texts known as the "Fourteen Tablets Of Enki" provide a detailed account of the activities of the Anunnaki aliens in the Middle Eastern countries.  Ancient sacred texts from India known as the Vedas, the Ramayana, and the Mahabhrata, and many others provide detailed accounts of ancient alien gods that controlled the events in India for over 5,000 years.  Both of these sources tell of ancient atomic wars between both the gods, and their proxies, the human race.  UFO sightings are seen daily all over the world.  Their bold appearances indicate several things: They no longer care if we see them, they are collecting information and assessing our defensive capabilities, and they do not see us as a threat or able to prevent their activities.  They want us to know they are real so in a sense they are also an excellent source of information.

The last source of reliable information is this blog.  I claim reliability because all of the images shown are from Google Earth and their credibility should be without challenge!  Here you are able to see images of a city on Mars, a space shuttle in the Martian city, alien mining operations at the bottom of Earths oceans, and many ancient destroyed cities also at the bottom of our oceans. Remains of alien rapid transit systems, giant megalithic alien carvings, modern alien cities, star gates, Terra-Forming structures, and more can be found at the bottom of our oceans.  In future blogs I will be connecting the dots between all of these sources of information.  In closing I am going to attach an image of an ancient Anunnaki structure known as a Zigurat found in Iraq.  That structure explains the source of all the fighting in the middle East and the influence the Anunnaki still has over its descendants in that region.