
My Own Encounters

My Sources Of Alien Information.

I have total recall of two past life memories of coming to Earth as an Alien.  One memory is that of an alien called Alesa Anala who lived on Earth 50 million years ago.  The second is an Alien named Lokii that came to Earth 30,000 years ago.  I have lectured in Cleveland and Akron Ohio and Portland Oregon on Lokii's mission and purpose and went through a vigorous and through vetting process headed by Earl Neff, “the father of Ufology” and director of the Cleveland Ufology Project, and a panel of doctors, lawyers, dentists, psychiatrists, psychics, and lay persons before being allowed to give these lectures to Ufology groups.  In addition to these two memories I am also a psychic and full em-path and I am able to access the Akashic records at will.

In addition to the above sources, my main sources of information for the book, “They Are Here, See The Proof” comes from first hand encounters with several alien life forms.

I was giving a lecture about Lokii at the Cleveland Ufology Project in 1976.  After the lecture a woman by the name of Betty Speers invited me to meet with a group of six to eight friends in Streetsboro, Ohio that were attempting to make contact with aliens using telepathy.  Of course I accepted the invitation and for the next four years we met every two weeks.  Simultaneously I was also conducting my own attempts to make alien contact.  I lived in Kent, Ohio at the time and was conducting both telepathic and high intensity flashlights and car lights to try and make contact.   I had selected a secluded landing site in rural Kent and went there every night for one to three hours attempting to make contact.

The actual landing site that I had selected was rather difficult to get to.  The only access was from a dirt road with a farmers tractor path on its left berm that led up a hill though the forest and once you got to the top of the hill there was a huge field surrounded on all four sides by forest.  On the right side of the road opposite the tractor path there was a huge sand mining operation that was perfect for me to make my nightly attempts at making alien contact.  I would usually go to that area between midnight and three am to prevent drawing attention to my contact efforts.  I usually spent one to two hours a night pursuing this agenda.

I used two contact methods. Using high intensity flashlight I would send three short, three long, and three short flashes at periodic intervals. This is the international Morse code distress signal SOS.  If it was extremely cold outside I would use the headlights on my car to send the SOS message.  The second method used was to focus my thoughts on stars in the sky that appeared to be moving sending them the telepathic message that they were welcome and invited to come down to my landing site.  They would travel in straight lines, move from left to right and right to left, and also move in oval patterns.

Naturally our scientists have to come up with an explanation for this phenomenon since almost everyone has experienced this enigmatic star motion.  They call it autokinesis.  It can make a star, or stars appear to move in random jerky patterns. When a small, dim, and fixed light source remains within visual range for an extended period of time, this phenomenon can occur, making it appear as if the light source were moving. Source: Wikipedia.   I appreciate the need to explain the unexplained but in my case the stars actually moved in the various patterns in response to my telepathic commands!

After several years of failures with the group in Streetsboro and my own attempts in rural Kent everyone was pretty disillusioned and discouraged.   We were all about ready to call it quits.  About three months before this I was at the site in Kent and was thinking about giving up. Suddenly I had this very strange sensation as if someone was watching me.   I looked around the sky and saw a large dark elongated oval shape that seemed to have a very faint glow around it's body just sitting in the sky.  I watched it just sitting there, not moving, for about 30 minutes. Suddenly it glowed brighter and in a brilliant burst of light it catapulted across the entire sky in seconds.  Was this to be my proof of alien existence or was this a message telling me to be patient … that there will be more contact in the near future?  At any rate I was encouraged and continued my efforts to make contact both in Streetsboro and Kent.

On September 10, 1980 our group met in Streetsboro.  All day my energies had been feeling hyper stimulated, electrified, and as if I were being pulled out of my body into some unknown dimension.  It was impossible for me to focus my thoughts on anything.   I apologized to the group and told them I just could not stay there any longer telling them that I had an appointment elsewhere.  I left the meeting and drove like a madman knowing that at all costs I had to reach my appointed landing site in Kent. It was 2:00 AM on September 11, 1980 when I arrived at the site.   I spent about an hour sending telepathic thoughts to a star that was energetically moving in the sky.  Nothing seemed to be happening so I decided to give it up and walked with my head hanging in disappointment and discouragement back to my car.  When I touched the door handle of the car an electrifying energy surged through my body making my hair stand on end.  Wow, what was happening! I  looked back to see if the star was still in the sky and it had disappeared. I then searched the horizon for some sign of the star.

On the far distant horizon I saw a very bright white light descending from the heavens.   It continued its descent slowly moving in the direction where I was at.  As it moved closer it changed its color from white to yellow, and as it moved even closer, from yellow to an orange neon glow.  As I watched with both trepidation and excitement a huge cigar shaped ufo came in at tree top height.   It was glowing all over with the orange neon, had long narrow window slits running the length of the ship from what appeared to be the pilots cockpit.  It could not have been traveling more than three to five miles per hour and did not make any sounds.   I could see humanoid shapes rushing to the windows to get a peek at the man below.  What a disappointment I must have been for all I could do was stand there with my flashlight blinking it up at the bottom of the craft.  It hovered there for a few minutes and then slowed turned and moved towards the landing site that I had selected for the rendezvous.

I ran up the farmers tractor path and when I arrived at the top of the hill, the huge craft was just hovering as if waiting for my arrival.  Its size was immense and overwhelming.  It was at least as large as a football field.   I stood there frozen in fear and clutching a hatchet in my hand for protection. After all these long years of trying to make contact I failed miserably.   It remained hovering for about fifteen minutes, giving me ample enough time to decide to come on board, and then slowly moved away re-entering the atmosphere and disappearing from sight in a brilliant white flash of light.  I have no memory of being taken on board the craft.    I have modified one of my art renditions to show you the shape and size of the incredible craft.

I could hardly wait until our group in Streetsboro would meet again.  I told them about my encounter and they were both excited and disappointed that they had not been able to experience the great event.  Their disappointment was to be short lived.  I excused myself and went to another room where I could look out the window.  I saw two white lights just sitting on the night horizon.  I went back out and told the group that I thought we needed to continue our meeting outside.  We immediately assembled outside and everyone saw the two white lights just sitting there in evening sky as if awaiting our group to get in place. We stood watching in awe for about five minutes. Suddenly the two white lights began speeding towards us.  As it approached us it turned on a bright beacon light on the bottom of it's craft.  As it passed overhead it enveloped our entire group in the beam of light.  As we looked up into the beacon it resembled the eye of a cat.  The craft suddenly dove down at a very sharp angle, moving at incredible speeds, and came in so low and fast that it had to veer off at a nearly right angle to avoid hitting the house and a nearby barn.   Now here is the conundrum.  The vehicle looked and sounded like an airplane but no airplane could remain stationary for five minutes, move at these speeds, make near right angle turns, and disappear into the sky in a flash of light after making these impossible maneuvers.   Elaine Fortson, a lifelong friend, world renown psychic, and one of the key players in the documentary movie “The Bermuda Triangle” explained that the UFOs are often disguised to look like conventional aircraft to avoid detection and attention.

Two month later I had another incident related to my encounter in Kent, Ohio.  I was taking a shower and noticed a scab on my right arm in the shape of an arrow.  The following image is a photograph clearly showing the scar as it appears today on my arm thirty six year later.

The aliens had returned and implanted a nano chip processor in my arm leaving the incision in the shape of an arrow as proof of their implant.  It is a two way communication device by which they monitor my health and safety … and communicate information to me related to the alien take over of Earth that is presented in my book “They Are Here, See The Proof”, and their contingency plans for the protection of Earth.

One last note about this amazing contact.  I called Earl Neff the next day and described the sighting to him. Earl was so excited, telling me that what I had seen was a mother ship. He said this was the high point of his 38 years of debunking, researching and verifying ufo sightings and contactees.  It was validation of his life's work and everything he has believed in.   To his knowledge I was the first person to have seen a mother craft up close. Mother crafts traditionally hover in orbit high above the Earth and almost never descend into our visible atmosphere.  Most sightings and contacts are with saucer shaped ufos that come from inside the mother crafts. My friend Earl passed away on March 11, 1993.

Between 2005 and 2008 I had nightly communications with another alien species.  They did not have corporal bodies like you and I, but had long, long ago ascended to higher vibrational energies and no longer needed or lived in physical bodies.   They had evolved into living energy.  When I first saw them they appeared as glowing bubbles much like the bubbles you see coming from the bubble blowers our children play with only much, much larger.  At first they were shy, appearing in bushes behind the buildings where I was working second shift at an electronic assembly subcontractor.  I did not know or understand exactly what I was observing. I could only see them at night.  As I approached them they seemed to become excited changing in color, size, and number.  The following image is my rendition of what they looked like.

I was working second shift for a company called Techtron Systems in Mayfield Village on the far east side of Cleveland.  They were located in a very large industrial complex comprised of warehouses, manufacturing plants, and office buildings.  There was no resemblance to a rural community and certainly not an area where you would expect to find an abundance of purple bubbles floating in the air.

We were working 7 days a week and a minimum of 60 hours per week so it was easy to blame the appearance of the bubbles on exhaustion or hallucination.  No one else could see them which only complicated and restrained my process of accepting their reality. Was I on the verge of a mental breakdown?

The bubbles had captured my attention and curiosity.  We had a fifteen minute break at 9:30 P.M and got off work anytime between midnight and 2:00 A.M. I spent every break and stayed after we got off work for at least an hour attempting to establish communication with the enigmatic bubbles.  It was becoming a frustrating obsession!   I took the direct approach by asking them a series of questions: Are you real? Are you aliens?  Do you mean us harm?   Where did you come from?  How did you get here? Why are you here?  Are you good?  Are you evil?  Do you understand my questions?  The last question was the only one that got a response.  They all started to blink on and off at random intervals.  That appeared to be some kind of progress so I asked one more question;  Am I blocking your ability to communicate with me?  Again they all started to blink on and off at random intervals.  Success again!

I came to the conclusion that my Doubting Thomas mind that has always demanded proof positive answers to my questions was indeed the source of blockage in our ability to communicate with each other.  When all else fails return to the basics. I began asking questions again only this time I asked the bubbles to blink once for yes and twice for no.

Here are some of the questions with their answers: Are you aliens? No  Are you real? Yes Are you from our galaxy? No  Are you from our universe? No  Are you from another universe? No  Are you from an alternate reality? No  Do you mean us harm? No  Are you from the future? No  Are you from a different time line? No  Are you here to help us? No Is Earth in danger? Yes  Are you from a different dimension? Yes  Were you brought here against your free will? No  Do you need my permission to interface directly with my consciousness? Yes

The answer to the last question was the answer I was looking for and had brought me to the moment of truth that requires a leap of faith!  I gave them permission to telepathically access my consciousness with the following conditions.  There are hundreds of you so please communicate with me one at a time so as not to overload the synapses of my brain causing irreversible damage.