

The images and content on this blog is the culmination of my life's work.  I have taken extreme efforts to enlarge and improve the quality of the the images to make them easier for you to view them.  Please respect these efforts and do not use or copy any content or images without getting approval from me.  They will be used in my upcoming book "They Are Here-See The Proof"

Before starting this blog I want to make some comments about the important accomplishments of China and it's citizens.  I just read an article announcing that China has just built the worlds fastest super computer.  It is 20 times faster than the fastest U.S. computer and was built entirely from computer processors designed and fabricated in China.  The U.S will not have computers running at the speeds of China's super computer in 2018.  Congratulations China!

In some small way these accomplishments may have been a result of the alien DNA that was either introduced intentionally or absorbed by natural inter species cohabitation eons ago.  DNA is a self healing, self correcting, and automatic adjusting program.  There is no doubt that the surviors of Hiroshima suffered DNA damage when the Atomic bomb was detonated over their city. The first generation survivors will suffer the most with an unusually high percentage of physical and mental deformities.  With each passing generation the physical and mental deformities lessen. Given enough time the DNA program will heal itself and completely eliminate the damage done to the DNA by the Atomic Bomb.


Image 001:  Depending on what source you use this cute little alien hybrid was made by the Hong Shan culture in Mongolia approximately 6,500 years ago.  Notice the large elongated eyes which is characteristic of carvings from this location and time period.
Image 002:  These alien hybrid heads are from the Shang Dynasty and are approximately 3,600 years old.  The eyes on these aliens appear to be circular tubes protruding outward from the the eye socket and is characteristic of the hybrid alien carvings from the Shang Dynasty.  The broad nose and wide mouth is another common feature on the Shang Dynasty alien hybrids.
Image 003:  This cute little alien hybrid has large circular bulging eyes.  You may be wondering what an alien hybrid is.  It is a new life form created by combining the DNA from humans that were already genetically altered from primitive primates in Africa by the Anunnaki with the DNA from different animal species using what is call cross species DNA splicing.  During the editing process of the DNA the large eyes and conical heads may be added to get the desired physical design. Although this alien hybrid looks harmless it is probably quite strong and vicious.  What the Anunnaki were attempting to do is to create a new race of obedient slaves and warriors to replace the human race, possibly even kill off the human race!
Image 004:  Another beautiful Hang Shan carving of an alien hybrid.
Image 005:  Next to the Anunnuki overlords the alien hybrid on the left would be the most powerful and feared of the alien hybrids.  He has been elevated to king by the Anunnaki overlords and rules over all the alien hybrids.  He is seated on a throne with his feet resting on the back of a dog like alien hybrid.  This exact same regal posture is found in carvings of kings in Mesopotamia and Sumerian carvings.  The alien hybrid on the left has strong Chinese, African, Peruvian and other Central and South American genetic features.
Image 006:   The facial features of this alien hybrid woman has Asian features and bears strong resemblances to both Africa artifacts and almost identical features to those found in Peru and other South American neolithic civilizations.  This was carved by craftsmen from the Hong Shun Culture.  The woman shown in Image 019 also shares these same genetic similarities. 
Image 007:  This is a close up side profile of the preceding image.  Very strong and powerful facial features.
Image 008:  A close up frontal view of the alien hybrid slave woman.  There is a certain haunting look of sadness and hopelessness in her expressions.  As a slave woman to the Anunnaki overlords in China she would suffer the same atrocities that the genetically altered human slaves suffered in Mesopotamia at the hands of the Anunnaki. 
Image 009:   A closeup of the head of the cute alien hybrid shown in Image 003.

Image 010:  This is a very unusual alien hybrid.  It appears to be wearing a protective mask or face shield with long slits where the eyes would normally be.  The slits allow him to see while wearing the mask.
Image 011:  This image gives you a better view of the mask.
Image 012:  I speculate that this is a warrior class alien hybrid in charge of hybrid soldiers that are in charge of and regulate the chores and duties of the alien hybrid slaves.  He is posing on bended knee, as if pledging his unconditional allegiance to the Anunnaki overlords.
Image 013:  This is a side view of the head clearly showing the protective mask.  I have collected hundreds of images of statues from the Hong Shan Culture and this is the only one wearing a mask.
Image 014:  This alien hybrid head is from the Shang Dynasty.  It does not have the round tubular eyes like the head shown in Image 002.  Instead it has the large elongated oval eyes that is usually associated with the Hong Shan Culture.  Perhaps the survivors from the Hong Shan Culture migrated to the area of the Shang Dynasty influencing their art, after the Anunnaki atomic wars.
Image 015:  This beautifully carved head is also from the Shang Dynasty but it has circular bulging eyes and nose which is also characteristic in many art pieces from the Hong Shan Culture. Perhaps more evidence suggesting that survivors from the Hong Shan Culture migrated to the area of the Shang Dynasty.
Image 016:  Three very different alien hybrids with large horns.  Beware the horns, as they make a deadly weapon in combat or killing of an opponent.
Image 017:  This is a close up of the cute alien hybrid shown in Image 001.
Image 018:  This image was also identified as being Hong Shan art.  The horns, large elongated eyes, and broad nose are characteristic of the art from the Hong Shan culture.
Image 019:  This amazing statue of a woman with large elongated eyes was identified as being from the Hong Shan culture.  It bears strong resemblances to both Africa artifacts and almost identical features to those found in Peru and other South American neolithic civilizations.  This speculation is entirely plausible because the genetically modified human slaves that the Anunnaki brought to China were created from pre-human primates in Africa.  After the Anunnaki atomic wars many of the survivors from China, Mesopotamia, Egypt, and the Indus Valley may have migrated to South America. 
Image 020:

Image 021:  This hybrid alien has any enormous armor like protective plate growing out of it's skull.  Also notice it's very large elongated ears which obviously enabled it to hear the slightest of sounds and movements.  It's large eyes probably enabled it to see distant objects and perhaps had built in filters for better night vision.  He could also use the large growth on his head as a battering ram or weapon in combat.  Conceivably, he could be a prototype alien hybrid warrior. 
Image 022:  This is a side profile of the hybrid alien in Image 034.  It clearly shows the thick armor like protective plate growing out of its skull.  The enormous elongated eyes are typical of the hybrid aliens found in China.
Image 023: A bird effigy.
Image 024:  Two bird like effigies.
Image 025: Here is some exciting proof that the Anunnaki were doing cross species DNA splicing in China.  The Carving on the left is called a "Pig Dragon".  Why they called it a "Pig Dragon" is beyond me, but I will tell you this incredible parallel in our own area of genetic research.  Our scientists are presently using stem cells from pigs to grow replacement organs and limbs for implantation or attachment in humans.  The image on the right is a medical model of a four week old human embryo.  The uncanny similarity of the human embryo to the "Pig Dragon" carving is definite evidence pointing towards cross species DNA splicing techniques using animal embryos by the Anunnaki in China.
Image 026: Two more "Pig Dragon" carvings with an overlay of the four month old human embryo for comparison. 
Image 027:  The Anunnaki had long ago mastered the science of human DNA manipulation to create slaves and servants from pre-human primates in Africa.  As the genetically modified humans evolved and began to cross breed with the Anunnaki their intelligence accelerated and they became more difficult to control and manipulate.  The army of warriors that Enki had created from the genetically modified humans to guard the palaces and keep the human slaves in line were more cruel and ruthless fighters than any Anunnaki.  Enki's plans were beginning to unravel!  I believe that Enki was trying to create a new hybrid subservient species of aliens in China that would be able to replace the rapidly evolving human species.  The results of his cross species DNA splicing techniques are shown in the carved statues in this blog.
Image 028:  Enormously huge eyes and cranial/nose elongations and protrusions are typical results of the hybrid alien species DNA experiments.  These particular statues are from the Hongshan Culture in Mongolia.  They are estimated to be 6,500 years old, well within the time frame when civilization was beginning to evolve in Mesopotamia, the Indus Valley, and Egypt.
Image 029:  This is one of two pyramids purported to have been built by the Hong Shan Culture in Mongolia.  Enki planned on having one family of his royal relatives make their residence in the remote regions of China.  This pyramid would have provided temporary residence for Enki's relatives until an appropriate Ziggurat could be built for them.  This pyramid is claimed to be 5,000 years old.
Image 030:  This is an image of the second pyramid purported to be in Mongolia and also connected to the Hong Shan Culture.  Unfortunately I am unable to confirm these claims because each of the pyramids show up on on two different internet sites and nowhere else.
Image 031:  This is a typical alien hybrid stature with the huge eyes, elongated snout, and horns growing out of the head.
Image 032:  Now this alien hybrid statue really catches your eye.  It has the normal large elongated eyes but appears to have two heads, one growing out of the top of the bottom head. Hmm.  Mighty strange and alien indeed!
Image 033: The massive huge elongated eyes stand out on the left alien hybrid.  The middle hybrid has large round eyes and appears to be wearing a large bird headdress.  The alien hybrid on the right although very beautiful and intricately carved appears to show the results defective cross species gene splicing.  It has two conjoined heads that share one body!  Not good!  Not good at all!
Image 034: The craftsmanship on these three statues is remarkable and beautifully done.  The hybrid alien on the left appears to be wearing a headdress but it also could be elongated growth coming out of it's skull.  The middle hybrid definitely has horn like growths coming out of it's skull. The one on the right has a very think armor like elongated skull.  All three have the large elongated eyes.  Is this the way they actually appeared to the human craftsmen or was this an illusion mentally projected to the humans.  Were the humans afraid of them, did they worship them, or were they slaves to the alien hybrids?  
Image 035:  I have long theorized that the alien hybrids had unsolicited intercourse with their human slaves.  I conducted a search to see if I could find evidence to prove this theory.  This image shows a wolf like alien hybrid having his way with a female slave.  Besides cross species DNA splicing this is a direct way of introducing the DNA of the hybrid aliens into the human DNA!
Image 036:  Another image of a dog like hybrid alien taking advantage of a female human.  I apologize to anyone that is offended by these images ... but it is the reality of what was taking place under the direct supervision and approval of the Anunnaki king, Enki!
Image 037:  Today is 6/22/16.  I just found this image and it sure looks like a large eyed helmeted hybrid alien cruising along in his flying saucer!  What do you think?
Image 038:  The Chinese government recently arrested 175 grave robbers in the Hong Shan Cultural area that had stolen 1,168 relics to sell on the black market.  There is a large lucritive market with a high demand for Hong Shan relics!  This image is from a second bust that had saved almost 10,000 precious Hong Shaw relics from disappearing into the private collections of unscrupulous art collectors.
Image 039:  Another image from the second bust of grave robbers.  Just image how many relics have vanished this way, depriving the Chinese people and the world of the chance to know, understand, and appreciate their alien heritage.