

The images and content on this blog is the culmination of my life's work.  I have taken extreme efforts to enlarge and improve the quality of the the images to make them easier for you to view them.  Please respect these efforts and do not use or copy any content or images without getting approval from me.  They will be used in my upcoming book "They Are Here-See The Proof"

In this section I will be present some shocking evidence of the war tactics used by the Anunnaki and their successors.  Many of the images will graphically reinforce the brutal and savage war tactics presently used by Isis in the middle east.

Most of what we know about the Anunnaki is found in the "14 Tablets Of Enki".  They were written by the Anunnaki!  They tell us that the Anunnaki created the human race, that the Anunnaki were a benevolent species and protectors of the human race, and that after the nuclear wars, that they started, they returned to their home planet Nibiru.  I am not suggesting that the interpretations are wrong.  They are an accurate translation of what was written.  But what if the "14 Tablets Of Enki" was a big lie, and nothing more than propaganda to convince you that the Anunnaki left Earth?  What if they are still here controlling and manipulating the course and fate of the human race?  Just some food for thought!  I will most definately be writing more about this in future blogs!


Image 001W:  In previous blogs I said that I am not particularly relating time periods or geographical kingdoms as being important to these ancient carvings.  Quite often these carvings are repeated representing the same legendary battles over and over again.  I also focus on interpreting the hidden meanings behind the symbolic representations.  In this carving you see warriors fighting with primitive bows and arrows.  There is also an enigmatic self propelled tank like vehicle.  Could this symbolically represent a modern day tank using advanced technology given to them by the Anunnaki and their blood line successors?  Here again, traditional interpretation would be that this is a primitive battering ram but does not explain its obvious system of self propulsion.
Image 002W:   The love of war was almost an obsession of the Anunnaki.  Enki, Ishtar, and Enki's son and successor Marduk were all considered gods and goddess of war!  The sacrifice of human lives in combat were actually exhilarating to them and as source of amusement and entertainment to them.
Image 003W:  Wave upon wave of human soldiers fought endlessly creating a sea of corpses all for the entertainment of the Sumeria gods!  Are the vicious and cruel ISIS warriors doing the same without knowing it? 
Image 004W:  Here you see a Sumeria king leading his troops into battle.  
Image 005W:  Two Sumerian solders on horse back killing a fleeing warrior opponent.  Men on horseback against a fleeing soldier isn't exactly and even fight!
Image 006W:  Another battle scene showing Sumerian warriors on horseback trampling dead and fleeing defeated and fleeing opposition forces.  Notice that the body of the dead man in the bottom center of the image has had his head decapitated!  Hmm, a legacy left behind for ISIS to follow?
Image 007W:  Sumerian warriors attacking a city.  They were ferocious, bloodthirsty, and relentless!  
Image 008W:  This image shows another self propelled tank like vehicle slowing ascending a small hill to attack a city.  Is this another piece of modern tanks given to the Sumerians by the Anunnaki gods to defeat their enemies?  Go to an enlarged view of this image and you can see a Sumerian soldier decapitating the body of a slain enemy on the side of the hill the tank is ascending!  Hmm, another example of ISIS brutality?  This is their ancient legacy given to them by the Anunnaki!
Image 009W:  A massive slaughter of fleeing opponents by Sumerian warriors down by the marshy river banks.  Notice the fish and dead animals.  Everything was slaughtered!  Now go to full view and notice the Sumerian Warrior in the upper left corner of the image.  He is decapitating the body of a dead enemy!
Image 010W:  Another incredible view of a self propelled war machine used by the Sumerian armies.  One would immediately conclude that it is a battering ram used to destroy the well fortified doorway it is approaching.  To do this, a traditional battering ram must be capable of moving forward and backwards several times in order to destroy the fortified gate.  So how did this primitive vehicle move bidirectionally without someone pushing it?  Lets interpret the secret meaning of this cryptic symbol.  It is a self propelled modern tank with a cannon mounted on front to blast the doorway open.  The tank was advanced weapons technology given to the Sumerians by the Anunnaki gods.  Just like they used simple symbolism to represent their nuclear missiles they did the same with other advanced technologies like the tanks and cross species DNA experiments. Their monstrous sized egos simply believed that no one would ever be able to decode their cryptic symbols giving them endless hours of laughter and entertainment knowing that the truth was hidden in front of every ones faces.
Image 011W:  The Anunnaki gods just loved watching their human creations destroy each other. The battles were extremely gruesome and only the most perverted and insidious of creatures would derive so much enjoyment from the wholesale slaughter of human life.  That is just what the Anunnaki gods did!
Image 012W:  Here you see two Sumerian warriors proudly carrying the decapitated heads of their opponents, one head in each hand, as the proof and trophies of their battlefield prowess!  The modern day ISIS soldiers are the genetic descendants of the Sumerian and Anunnaki warriors and gods.  This horrible practice of decapitation is in their ancestry, their heritage, and their original DNA programming by the Anunnaki gods!
Image 013W:  The Sumerian soldier on the middle right hand portion of the carving is once again decapitating the head of a slain warrior.  I hope these images are giving everyone insight and understanding of our modern day enemy, ISIS.
Image 014W:  A procession of Sumerian soldiers marching into battle.  This unified hoard of almost robot like soldiers must have certainly stuck terror in the heart of even the bravest defending warriors.
Image 015W:   Add in the mounted cavalry of Sumerian soldiers and you have an overwhelming, intimidating, and unbeatable hoard of impending apocalypse.  
Image 016W:  A different view of Image 015W.  What would you do if you were on foot and saw this army of horsemen approaching?  
Image 017W:  More Sumerian warriors on horseback.  Not only did the ancient Anunnaki gods give the Sumerians advanced technology they also trained them in the art of warfare.
Image 018W:  This is a different view of Image 008W:  You can clearly see the slain soldier being decapitated without going to the larger view.
Image 019W:  Here you see four Sumerian riding in a war chariot.  No cryptic secret symbols here.  What you see is what it is.  Another weapon of war that the Sumerian opponents did not have.
Image 020W:

Image 021W:  Another procession of mindless robotic Sumerian warriors going off to war.
Image 022W:  A changing of the royal guard?  
Image 023W:  An endless procession of warriors carved on the outside walls of a Sumerian city. The entire Mesopotamia region was at war for thousands of years.  Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and other modern day countries were all part of the fertile crescent that was part of the Mesopotamian empire.  They are all just continuing the ancient wars in modern times, just like the Anunnaki gods planned it to be.
Image 024W:  Three Sumerian soldiers riding in a chariot.  The soldier in the center is holding up his trophy of a decapitated head.  Expect to see more of this from ISIS!
Image 025W:  Two Sumerian soldiers marching along.  One of them is proudly carrying his trophy of a decapitated head.  Actually both soldiers are carrying heads but the head the soldier on the left is carrying can only partially be seen.
Image 026W:  A battle seen showing two soldiers on a camel fleeing the advancing Sumerian foot soldiers.  You can see a dead soldier with an arrow in his back lying on the ground.
Image 027W:  Another war scene showing Sumerian soldiers climbing up a ladder attacking a city of their enemy.
Image 028W:  A group of Sumerian archers shooting a hailstorm of arrows at their enemy. 
Image 029W:  This is a large wall carving of an enormous horrific battle.  I hate to keep repeating myself but this is the ancestral heritage of the modern middle eastern nations.  No wonder that part of the world continues to suffer the same plague to humanity!
Image 030W:  Forgive me my friend!  I know how difficult and depressing it is to view these images.  It just rips out my heart to think of these horrors, that another human could do this to another human.  Here you see two soldiers carrying decapitated heads.  You see another decapitated head between them as they walk over it.  In the lower left corner of the image you see a large pile of decapitated heads.

Image 031W:  Another group of mindless robotic Sumerian warriors marching off to war.
Image 032W:  A slightly better view of the self powered battering ram (Tank) shown in Image 001W.
Image 033W:  This image was so dark when I first saw it.  I had to enhance it to see what was really going on.  My god, I was so shocked!  A Sumerian soldier is cutting the hands and feet off of two captured enemies while they are alive.  The throne chair has six decapitated heads mounted on it for adornment.  I am literally sick!  If it wasn't necessary to see these atrocities in order to understand and know our modern day enemy ISIS I would have left them out!  Please, please forgive me!
Image 034W:  This is the last image in this gallery.  The Sumerian soldier on the left is adding two more decapitated heads to a large pile of decapitated heads.  The Sumerians on the right are presenting offerings of thanks to the gods!  Sick!  Sick!  Sick!