

The images and content on this blog is the culmination of my life's work.  I have taken extreme efforts to enlarge and improve the quality of the the images to make them easier for you to view them.  Please respect these efforts and do not use or copy any content or images without getting approval from me.  They will be used in my upcoming book "They Are Here-See The Proof"


Image 001R3:  Two Anunnaki gods were simultaneously conducting different genetic experiments. Enki, also known as the "god of science", was in charge of developing a human slave species to work in the mines of Africa and build the temples of the Anunnaki.  While he was in Africa he came under attack by another alien species known as the Reptilians.  They were an extremely hostile and aggressive species that also had plans for conquering Earth.  Enki had to find a way to foil the plans of the Reptilians to conquer Earth.  When his step sister, Ninhursag arrived from the Anunnaki home world Nibiru, he placed her in charge of the cross species DNA splicing project to create a warrior Reptilian race that could combat and defeat the invading off world Reptilians.  Ninhursag was a brilliant geneticist and on the Anunnaki home planet was known as the "goddess of medicine".  This image shows her actual laboratory where she focused her efforts on developing the Anunnaki reptilian species.  Along the top of the image you can see some of her experimental prototypes.
Image 002R3:  This is a close up of two fishmen scientists working on the creation of prototype reptilian lying on the operating table.  On the right side of the image you can see another prototype reptilian creature.  It would appear that Ninhursag's experiments are producing more beast like creatures than pure reptilians.
Image 003R3:  This image is from the same carving shown in Images 001R3, and 002R3.  It actually shows Lamashtu, the female counterpart of Pazuzu. Lamashtu is known as the goddess of the underworld.  The creature on the left side looks like a representation of Pazuzu.  Ninhursag was definitely creating some dark and evil creatures using cross species DNA splicing. 
Image 004R3:  Enki ruled with an iron fist and there were not many people that he trusted from the home planet Nibiru.  His step sister Ninhursag was the exception.  He entrusted her with full responsibility for the cross species DNA splicing project and shielded her from the objections and interference coming from the Nibiru high command.  This image shows her apparent success at creating a reptilian species that was intelligent, subservient, creative, and even had a highly developed social structure.  They appeared to be the perfect slave replacement for the rebellious human slaves genetically created by Enki. 
Image 005R3:  The raised crops and farm animals for food and gladly shared the results of all their labors with the Anunnaki gods.  They were even capable of strenuous and laborious building of the temples for the Anunnaki and working in the African mines without complaining.
Image 006R3:  They even had an appreciation of the finer arts such as music and showed no inclinations to steal, make war, or do any harm to their own kind or any other living creature. Wow, do we really need them in our present world of doom and gloom, greed, wars, and chaos! 
Image 007R3:  Another carving showing the Type 3 reptilians created by Ninhursag.  Some of them share the same physical features shown in Image 003R3 through Image 006R3.
Image 008R3:  Seven calm neatly dressed Type 3 reptilians.  Perhaps Ninhursag is beginning to have success with her highly experimental cross species DNA splicing techniques.  The one on the far right may be a female mother excitedly playing with her young reptilian child.  This could be a group gathering of family relatives giving a birthday party for the child.  One can only speculate!
Image 008R3:  Here you see three Type 3 reptilians.  The one on the left appears to have been elevated to a position of kingship or territorial ruler.  The other two are pointing to the winged symbol for the Anunnaki gods.  This images implies authority, trust, and spiritual affinity that the Type 3 reptilians had bestowed upon them by their Anunnaki gods.
Image 009R3:  This image is from an engraved metal cup shown in the lower left of the picture. The Type 3 reptilians appear to be carrying containers filled with tribute to be given to a royal noble.
Image 010R3:  The royal Type 3 reptilian queen is intently watching the approaching procession of servants.  She is sitting on a throne surrounded by two dogs and a tree growing behind her.  This is the type of scene you would only expect to find in a human ceremony and attests to the success that Enki's half sister had made in creating a reptilian species that could replace the rebellious human slaves that her brother had created.
Image 011R3:  This image is a one of a kind carving supposedly portraying Enki in his true form as a reptilian.  The experts point to this one picture as proof that all the Anunnaki are a reptilian species of aliens.  They point to the crown that the reptilian creature is wearing noting that it is the crown of the Anunnaki.  They also say that the coiled serpent is also associated with Enki.  If it is this is the only carving that I have found that shows this possible association.  Once again I revert to interpreting the encrypted meaning of symbols.  The reptilian is simply a symbol showing that the that the Type 3 reptilians were created by Enki.  As a royal king and god of the Anunnaki Enki naturally gets credit for their creation even though his half sister actually created them.  The Anunnaki crown the reptilian is wearing simply means that the Type 3 reptilians are under the rule and dominion of the Anunnaki gods.
Image 012R3:  This image is revealing the fearless courage and strength of two Type 3 Reptilians fighting a lion approaching the ferocity of any Anunnaki or Sumerian warrior.  
Image 013R3:  This is a fragment of what must have been an incredibly beautiful carving.  It almost has features that appear to be from India.  The large figure appears to be a fertility goddess enshrined in a primitive temple.  At her right side near her waistline is a baby reptilian. On the right side of the temple entrance you can see an incredibly beautiful slender long necked, long snout reptilian female.  She is wearing a beautiful gown befitting a queen.  On the top left you can see a young male reptilian seated on the wall fragment that is part of the temple.  He is intently observing the events as they transpire.  His facial features are the same as the female on the right side of the image.  He may be her son.
Image 014R3: A family scene showing the Type 3 Reptilians that were excellent candidates to replace the rebellions human slaves. 
Image 015R3:  A small fragment showing a Type 3 Reptilian being followed by a team of four domesticated horses.  Perhaps he is a farmer plowing fields.
Image 016R3:  Another portion of the fragment shown in Image 015R3.  Two men are celebrating an event by making a toast to each other with their cups.  At the very left you can see a harp being played to provide music for the festivities.  If you didn't know they were Type 3 Reptilians they could very easily pass for modern day humans, perfectly mimicking their social activities.  No wonder Enki's half sister Ninhursag thought they were perfect replacements for the rebellious human slaves created by Enki. 
Image 017R3:  One last scene from the preceding fragment showing a Type 3 Reptilian farmer following behind a bull.  This is the last image in this gallery.  I hope it has clarified the different reptilian species for you.  I am adding links to the other reptilian galleries for your convenience.