

The images and content on this blog is the culmination of my life's work.  I have taken extreme efforts to enlarge and improve the quality of the the images to make them easier for you to view them.  Please respect these efforts and do not use or copy any content or images without getting approval from me.  They will be used in my upcoming book "They Are Here-See The Proof"


Image 001R1: These statues of reptilian creatures were found in Mesopotamia and are estimated to be 8,000 years old.  They were the first attempt by the alien Anunnaki god Enki to use cross species DNA splicing to create a race of slaves to work in the ancient mines in Africa.  The prototype reptilians were too aggressive, devious, and difficult to control so this particular phase of their development was abandoned.  This was not the end of the Anunnaki experiments with cross species DNA splicing ... it was actually just beginning.  
Image 002R1:  Enki was under extreme pressure to create a work force of slaves to work in the mines of Africa and to build temples of the arrival of the royal family members of the Anunnaki. His landing party of 35-50 Aununnaki team members was pitifully under manned and overworked to accomplish these overwhelming tasks.  Enki then focused his attention upon the creation of a more humanoid species of slaves from the abundance of pre human hominids in Africa.  This was the beginning of the DNA manipulation resulting in the creation of the human race.
Image 003R1:  This species of reptilians were intelligent, wore ornamentation, and had primitive maternal instincts.  They simply refused to be dominated by the Aununnaki and were too aggressive, devious, and ill tempered to be trusted or controlled by the Aununnaki.
Image 004R1:  Another image of the type 1 reptilians.
Image 005R1:  More images of the type 1 reptilians.

Image 006R1:  A close up of the head of the type 1 reptilians.
Image 007R1:  Another close up of the head of the type 1 reptilians.
Image 008R1:  A couple of images of a female reptilian nursing her baby.  Notice the extremely powerful, almost masculine build of her physical frame.  I definitely would not want to meet her walking down a dark alley!  Also notice she is wearing clothing that covers the lower part of her body.
Image 009R1:  A close up of the back of the type 1 reptilians.  If they weren't so rebellious and difficult to control they would have made perfect slaves for working in the mines and building the massive temples for the Aununnaki.
Image 010R1:  Two female type 1 reptilians.  You can clearly see clothing covering the pubic area of the female on the left and the female on the right is breast feeding her baby.  Their powerful bodies not only gave them incredible strength, it also gave them amazing speed!
Image 011R1:  Two more images of the type 1 reptilian females.
Image 012R1:  Two heads of the type 1 reptilians.

This concludes the gallery of the type one reptilians.  I am including links below to the other reptilian galleries.  These galleries are still under construction but have images that are awaiting text to be added.  Over the next few days I will be adding text so please check back often.