

The images and content on this blog is the culmination of my life's work.  I have taken extreme efforts to enlarge and improve the quality of the the images to make them easier for you to view them.  Please respect these efforts and do not use or copy any content or images without getting approval from me.  They will be used in my upcoming book "They Are Here-See The Proof"


Image 001P: This is a wall carving from the ancient ruins of Nineveh, the oldest city in the Mesopotamian culture.  It's earliest beginnings are dated to be over 8,000 years old.  The fierce genetically created monster in the center carrying a knife has been interpreted as a protective genie and angel.  Judging from its stance the monster does not intend to protect the Anunnaki king, but to kill him. The earliest temples excavated were dedicated to Ishtar/Inana, the goddess of sexual love, war, and at times the goddess of the underworld.   A temple dedicated to Enki, the first Anunnaki leader to arrive on Earth, was also excavated at Nineveh.  Ishtar was also a sexual partner to Enki.
Image 002P:  This is another carving of the protective genie (angel) from the city of Nineveh.  Yes it does have the wings of an angel, but could these wings belong to the original fallen angel, Lucifer?  Were the Anunnaki responsible for reawakening and restoring life to this most powerful and evil of all angels?  Could this be their own creation and manifestation of pure evil on planet Earth?  Was Nineveh the city where evil on Earth was given birth some 8,000 years ago?  There are others that will tell you that the Anunnaki were a benevolent race of aliens interested that gave birth to humans, and are only interested in protecting and guiding the evolution of humans.  
Image 003P:  There are hundreds, perhaps thousands of inscribed clay tablets that have been interpreted to suggest the possibility of this benevolent nature.  Others rely on their own interpretations and channeling's to reinforce these translations.  I have also researched most of these interpretations but have chosen a different method to gain insight into the Anunnaki.  The art left behind by the Anunnaki and their successors give both insight and evidence of the legacy given to the human race.  The exact period of time is for reference only because you see the same scenarios repeated over and over from their earliest beginnings 8,000 years ago right up into our modern day enactments.  Evil, war, death, destruction, and unimaginable carnage.
Image 004P:  Just as we humans adapt and change to adjust for changes in our world and environment ... so does the manifestation of evil.  The evil protective genies shown in the preceding images evolved into a new identity known as Pazuzu.  By comparing the photos it is easy to see the similarities in the wings and frightfully evil beast like face.  This change evolved in Iran about 3,000 years ago.  Pazuzu first came into world consciousness in the sensationalized movie "The Exorcist".
Image 005P:  There are hundreds of variations of Pazuzu sculptures.  They have even been adopted into some modern day cults that believe Pazuzu is a protector and annihilator of other evil demons and entities.  They excuse his outbursts of rage and harm to humans as a minor part and consequence of his uncontrollable rage and anger when dealing with other evil demons and entities.  
Image 006P:   A front and side view of another ancient head of Pazuzu found in the Mesopotamia region.  Perhaps this frightful and evil appearance was part of his image to intimidate and destroy other evil entities, but I personally believe it is the manifestation of pure evil that is given power through it's very physical incarnation in art.
Image 007P:  Two more carvings of Pazuzu.  The one on the left was also found in Iran and has been dated to be about 2,100 years old.  The features of the head on the left appear more reptilian in design and may date back 7,000 years to the time when the Anunnaki were creating a reptilian race using cross species DNA splicing techniques.
Image 008P:  The proliferation of statues and head carvings of Pazuzu reflect the powerful influence and integration into the daily lives of the Mesopotamian culture and population.
Image 008P:  I am not suggesting that the modern day nations inhabiting the regions of the original Anunnaki settlements in Mesopotamia are evil.  I am saying that they have inherited the legacy left behind in their culture, religious beliefs, and their DNA by the Anunnaki that continues to effect and influence the regional instability, bloodshed, and wars.  
Image 009P:  There is nothing on this blog that is not interconnected.  Notice that many of the heads of Pazuzu have very reptilian features.  The reptilians are one of the three negative aliens species presently attempting to take over Earth.
Image 010P:  It has even been said that Enki, the leader of the first Anunnaki colony on Earth was reptilian and there are even ancient carvings showing him as a Reptilian.
Image 011P:  The popularity of Pazuzu cannot be minimized.  Statues of Pazuzu are being reproduced and sold on Ebay.  Pendants and earrings of Pazuzu are also being sold on Ebay.
Image 012P:  Our fascination with Pazuzu and the misleading information about him has made it easy for Pazuzu to penetrate and solidify his foothold in our modern world wide cult following. The fallen angel continues its reign on Earth.
Image 013P:  Around 2,400 years ago Pazuzu was transformed into a female by the name of Lamashtu.  She is said to be the ruler of the underworld and is portrayed with the head of a dog or wolf like creature.  Lamashtu is basically the identical mirror image of Pazuzu with a gender sex change.  This actually was an ingenious redirection as it gave the feminine gender of the ancient and modern world, equality, empowerment, support, and recognition in a male dominated society. 
Image 014P: Two more carvings of Lamashtu.  In the one on the right she has two dogs sucking on her breasts while holding a serpent in each hand.  She is standing on the back of a horse.  In the one on the right you can see her with two hounds of hell at her feet while she is roaring aloud from her wolf head.

These images have shown the beginnings of evil as manifested by the Anunnaki gods.  It also shows the changes in the evolution of evil made by the ruling successors of the Anunnaki.  

The following links will also give you more information about their true nature and contributions made by the Anunnaki in their art.