

The images and content on this blog is the culmination of my life's work.  I have taken extreme efforts to enlarge and improve the quality of the the images to make them easier for you to view them.  Please respect these efforts and do not use or copy any content or images without getting approval from me.  They will be used in my upcoming book "They Are Here-See The Proof"


Image 001W: The Anunnaki and their successors were the gods that came from outer space that are written about in the "14 Tablets Of Enki" and the sacred books from India known as the Vedas, Ramayana, and Mahabharata.  Both sources tell us about ancient nuclear wars that nearly destroyed the entire Earth.  Up until now, these written sources were the only highly speculative information on these ancient atomic wars.  But the Anunnaki actually left visual evidence of these weapons in their ancient art.  In this image you see an Anunnaki god giving the order to arm two nuclear missiles shown symbolically with the two red arrows.  The order was given and the technician on the right pleads with the Anunnaki god, please master, is there no other way?
Image 002W:  The simplicity of these carvings are actually telling the very complex story of the intense and sometimes volatile discussions about going to war.  If you get past the traditional archaeological explanations you yourself can easily decode the hidden meanings.  There is an animal carrying two objects on his back.  The right red arrow is pointing to the nuclear missile, the left arrow is pointing towards the guidance/launch instrumentation.  The animal with the two objects on its back represents a portable nuclear launch system very similar to the portable systems being used in present modern day Iran.  On the raised platform to the right of the missiles you see the goddess Ishtar (Inana) preaching to Enki about why he must go to war and launch the nuclear missiles.  The circular symbol radiating outward from Ishtar's body is the symbol for a nuclear blast!  Remember and fix this in your mind, Ishtar is the goddess of war as well as the goddess of physical sex.  She was also the sexual companion of Enki.  He didn't stand a chance!
Image 003W:  The arrow on the middle left is pointing to the symbol for a nuclear missile.  The missile is resting on the back of an animal indicating it is a portable nuclear launch system.  The huge star shaped object is another symbol associated with Ishtar (the goddess of war) and actually represents a nuclear explosion.  The winged aircraft at the top represents Nibiru, the home planet of the Anunnaki.  In this case you see three images seated in the craft, Anu the father of Enki, and two of his close advisers.  The man fish is another symbolic image assigned to Enki.  The figure on the far right is Ishtar in her more humbling appearance as the goddess of love (and not the goddess of war.  The object standing between Enki and Ishtar is not the tree of life as it would most often have been interpreted as being.  It represents a communication center comprised of an array of dish antennas that provide a communication link between the Earth colony and the home world Nibiru.  Anu had heard about the plans of Enki and Ishtar to nuke the Earth and Anu initiated contact with them demanding that they explain their unauthorized actions.   It is interesting that the old adage about a picture is worth a thousand words holds true! 
Image 004W:  When I say I don't particularly pay attention to the time periods in which the carvings were made it is because the stories, or legends if you prefer are passed on from generation to generation, being repeated over and over again.  Temples dedicated to Enki and Ashtar were found in Nineveh, the oldest settlement in Mesopotamia.  Its beginnings date back to 6,000 B.C. (roughly 8,000 years ago).  The Assyrian King in this image, Esarhaddon, lived approximately 2,200 years ago.
Image 005W: What makes this image important is that Esarhaddon is intentionally pointing to some cryptic symbols.  One of them just happens to be the symbol for the Nuclear missile and the other one the star symbol for Ishtar, the goddess of war.  That particular version of the star symbol for Ishtar represents the blast of a nuclear explosion.  Is he reminding his followers of a horrific nuclear war that happened in the past, or is he saying the event is about to take place? There is absolutely no way of knowing but you can be sure that the Mesopotamia culture starting with the Anunnaki Enki and Ishtar did have nuclear weapons and at some point in time they or their successors used them!
Image 006W:  This is a closeup image of the three cryptic symbols that usually are shown together when discussion are taking place about launching the nuclear missiles.  The symbol for the nuclear missile is shown on the left, to the right of it is the symbol for the guidance/launch instrumentation, and the star symbol for Ishtar that represents a nuclear explosion. 
Image 007W:  Remember everyone, that all of these images represent the very first time in the world that the cryptic secret codes of the Anunnaki has been broken and interpreted. You saw it first here.  Please, tell all of your friends about this site.  This is another WOW image.  In the middle you see the standard symbol for a portable nuclear missile launching system.  Just to the right of the missile you see the guidance/launch instrumentation.  The two technicians are busy preparing two different missiles for launch.  They are either orbiting spy satellites or missiles armed with multiple nuclear warheads.  Sounds like something right out of our own modern nuclear defense strategies. 
Image 008W: This is a masterful carving accurately depicting what the artist perceived as a meeting filled with lies and deceptions.  The petite woman in the center is Enki's human wife.  She had asked her husband for permission to meet with Ishtar to persuade her from starting the nuclear war to destroy of of the genetically modified humans.  Enki commanded Ishtar to meet with his wife.  At the meeting Enki's small but feisty wife, pointed at the missile telling Ishtar she must abandon all intentions to destroy the humans.  Now this is where it gets a little difficult to tell who the two individuals are on the extreme left and right of the image.  Notice that the attire from the waist down is identical with one leg fully covered and the other leg only covered to the knee. This is actually the traditional way that Ishtar is dressed.  The perceptive artist was actually displaying the two sides of Ishtar.  The portrayal of Ishtar on the right with the star of Ishtar above it's head is the impatient but obedient goddess obeying the commands of Enki to listen to the grievance of his wife.  The portrayal of Ishtar on the left portrays the more sinister and evil side showing her carrying a portable missile launching system that she desires to shoot at Enki's wife ending all opposition to her plans to nuke the human race.
Image 008W:  The seated woman in this image is once again Ishtar.  I say this because the stars which are one of the symbol always associated with Ishtar are flowing out of the crown of her head and growing larger indicating growing in strength and power.  She is giving instructions to the lab supervisor making sure all details are completed for the launching of the nuclear missiles.  To the right you see a lab technician preparing the nuclear missiles for launch.  He is actually waiting for further orders from the lab supervisor.  Behind the lab technician you can see a nuclear missile and it guidance/launch instrumentation.
Image 009W:  This is a closeup of the previous image.  You can see that the technician is wearing a hooded radiation shielding protective body suit.
Image 010W:  This is another image showing Ishtar giving last minute instructions to lab technicians for launch of the nuclear missiles.  Behind her you can see the nuclear missile.  Notice that from the waist down one leg is fully covered and the other leg is only covered to the knee. The rays emanating 360 degrees from her body represents her end objective, a nuclear explosion.
Image 011W:  The two lab technicians on the left appear to be walking away from Ishtar.  Could they be reluctant to follow her orders talking among their selves, lets get as far away from this nut case that we can before she blows up the whole planet!  Just joking folks, I still do have a sense of humor.
Image 012W: You can clearly see the symbol for a nuclear bomb on the left side of this image. You can see a king and his servants making an offering to the gods of the sacred life giving water in the hopes that they might survive the nuclear holocaust.  In a warped sort of way it reminds me of the first "Planet Of The Apes" movie where the surviving humans of the nuclear holocaust had worshiped their last doomsday missile as a god.
Image 013W:  In this image Enki has contacted his father Anu on the planet Nibiru to boast about his greatest development in nuclear missile technology.  The two genetically created man/bull technicians are proudly sending a visual transmission to Anu of a multiple warhead nuclear missile. The winged craft at the top of the picture represents Anu on the planet Nibiru.
Image 014W:  The sacred books from India mentioned in Image 001W tell how the gods gave weapons of unknown and advanced technology to leaders of opposing tribes to help them win wars.  Bows that shot ten thousand arrows in every direction without reloading (machine guns?), missiles that could destroy an entire city or sink an entire continent (nuclear missiles, Atlantis?), and flying chariots (spaceships) armed with sonic and light rays that could destroy other flying chariots in air to air combat.  Did the Anunnaki do the same thing?  Remember that everything in these carvings are symbolic in nature.  The strange looking machine is not being pushed by soldiers and has no visible means of propulsion.  Symbolically could it be a modern armored tank that is so familiar in our own modern warfare?  I will talk more about these vehicles in my war section of this blog.  See the red arrow on the right side of the image pointing to what looks like a missile.
Image 015W:  This is a close up of the previous image clearly showing what appears to be a missile and two frantic technicians preparing to launch the missile.  They definitely are not running away from the approaching tank and are not taking up defensive efforts to protect their selves or participate in hand to hand combat.
Image 016W: Here you see a Mesopotamian king waving his arms in the air as he prepares to launch the nuclear missile in front of him.  The approaching technician appears to be objecting saying hold on, not so fast, lets think this over.  Not everyone agreed with the launching of the nuclear missiles.  They thought the consequences far outweighed any justification of war.
Image 017W:  In the "14 Tablets Of Enki" there is an account telling how Enki had hidden a huge stash of nuclear missiles on a spaceship that was returning to the mother planet of Nibiru.  One of his relatives found the missiles and removed them from the ship and hid them in a cave.  The enraged Enki found the missiles in the cave and killed the offending relative for stealing the missiles.  Now there is another interpretation of this carving that very conveniently does not show the symbols for the nuclear missile and its guidance/control instrumentation that is shown in this image.  What you see in this image is a man either being punished or killed.  The man in the extreme left is pointing at the symbols for the nuclear missile and its guidance/control instrumentation as if saying we caught you red handed and here is the evidence. 
Image 018W:  Once again you see the encrypted symbols of the star representing Ishtar, the goddess of war, the symbol for the nuclear missile, and the symbol for the guidance/launch instrumentation.  In this scene the missiles have been launched and the man riding the horse is frantically whipping his horse trying to escape destruction from the nuclear holocaust that has been unleashed upon the world. 
Image 019W:  Here you see a Sumerian king seeking council with an Anunnaki god.  In frustration he turns to the portable nuclear launcher and asks the Anunnaki god, how can we stop this insanity that will surely destroy the lives of the humans and perhaps even the planet itself!???
Image 020W:  On the left side of this image a young Sumerian princess asks her mother if the gods will accept her offering of a dove, symbolic of peace and love, in an effort to appease the gods and persuade them to stop the impending nuclear war.  The image of the nuclear missile is very rare.  It shows a retractable robotic umbilical arm loading the nuclear warhead in the top of the missile.   All the missiles may have this retractable assembly but this is the only image I have found showing it.  The female technician on the right is wearing a strange object on her back. Could it be an anti-gravity propulsion unit that swiftly transports her though the skies to her appointed destinations?
Image 021W:  This is another confrontation between Enki's human wife and the goddess of war, Ishtar.  The same artist that created the carving in Image 008W must have also done this one. Here again is is portraying Ishtar as being both male and female.  Notice that both images are clothed identically from the waste down and in the same stance that is associated with Ishtar.  The red arrow is pointing to the symbol for the nuclear missile.  The two images of Ishtar represent the projection of the Yin and Yang energies that exist is all of us.  Apparently Enki's human wife is both a formidable and intimating, feisty and aggressive, opponent to the nuking of the humans that Ishtar found it necessary to forcibly defend her actions by projecting the full forces of her male yang energies at Enki's human wife.   
Image 022W:  In the lower right hand corner of the image you see two technicians preparing a nuclear missile for launching.  Now look at the very strange structure in the center of the image. The experts have interpreted this enigmatic object as the tree of life. Really??? It is certainly the weirdest tree of life I have ever seen!  Enki's scientific and engineering skills were more advanced and creative than anyone on his home planet Nibiru.  The spacecraft of the Anunnaki prohibited contact with Earth until the orbit of their home planet Nibiru came in close proximity to Earth every 4,500 years.  The enigmatic object is a new space craft designed by Enki that would enable the Anunnaki to travel to and from their home planet to Earth in a matter of months independent of the 4,500 years orbiting cycle of Nibiru.
Image 023W:  This carving shows the winged symbol of the Anunnaki showing Enki's father ANU flying at its helm.  There is also the symbol for the nuclear missile highlighted by the red arrow.  It is a simple reminder from Anu to Enki, that he is watching from Nibiru and does not approve of his intentions to launch the nuclear missiles.
Image 024W:  Another Mesopotamian ruler with a nuclear missile.  Notice the star of Ishtar, the goddess of war placed above his head.  Remember that this particular version of Ishtar's star represents a nuclear explosion. 
Image 025W:  I just love this incredible and revealing image of Ishtar.  It shows all of the symbols usually attributed to her as well as various symbols only associated with the Anunnaki.  She is wearing the crown of the Anunnaki.  She also has wings which also originated with the Anunnaki and passed on to succeeding generations of Aununnki gods, Sumeria kings, and even their demonic genies (angels?).  You can see the six pointed star that is another symbols only associated with Ishtar.  Actually a six, eight, and sixteen pointed star is uniquely attributed to be symbolic of Ishtar's influence and presence.  Quite frequently she is depicted with one leg standing on the back of either a lion or dragon.  Here she is shown in her full regalia as the goddess of war. But she is also known as the goddess of sexual love.  Almost every carving shows her with one bare leg exposed to emphasis her irresistible allure as a sexual goddess.  That is one power that she held over Enki that he was powerless to refuse since she was also know to be his lover. Notice the weapons in her hand and the two quivers on her back.  They are not arrows portable but are hand held missiles with explosive warheads.  All she had to do was point and shoot.  The woman on the left also wearing the crown of the Anunnaki may be a hand maiden or it may represent Ishtar's narcissistic alter ego admiring the beauty of herself as the goddess of War!
Image 026W:  The strange object near the center of the image is a smaller version of the space craft shown in Image 022W.  Its smaller size would allow quicker speeds and maneuverability than the mother craft shown in Image 022W.  The image on the right is again Ishtar shown in her regalia as the goddess of war and also implies that she directly in charge of overseeing this project.  A large eight pointed star which represent Ishtar and smaller ones appearing above her head and quiver is further evidence proving her influence and presence in the important project. The two symbols for the nuclear missile also indicates her as the mastermind behind the plot to launch the nuclear missiles.  The male figure is a technician working on the spacecraft.
Image 027W:  The quality of this image is pretty poor but it clearly shows the symbol for the nuclear missile.  The two figures to the left of the nuclear missile appear to be carrying animals and running away from the missile and the impending holocaust.  Also notice the abundance of round shaped objects which appear to be falling fragments of rubble from the nuclear explosion. 
Image 028W:  At first glance this image appears to be just like all the preceding images.  It is not. You can see the traditional Anunnaki symbols or the flying wings, the stars of Ishtar, and the nuclear missile.  The man dressed in full war regalia is not Enki or Ishtar.  It is a Sumeria king known as Marduk.  He is directly associated with the city of Babylon as both it's builder and king. He is also the son and direct successor of Enki.  Quite often he is shown standing on the back of dragon like creature and is also known as the ruler of the gods and the god of war.  This scene depicts a Sumerian royal couple pleading with Marduk not to launch the nuclear missiles.  Same scenario, different time line.
Image 029W:  This is a very bad reproduction of the same scene shown In Image 003W.  I apologize for the inconvenience but could you please refer to Image 003W for an explanation.
Image 030W:  In this image you can see the symbols for the nuclear missile, the guidance/launch instrumentation, and Ishtar with her naked leg exposed and surrounded by the symbol for a nuclear explosion.  The man on the left is not a man.  It is Ishtar (naked leg exposed) manifesting the Yang energies of the male part of her physical body.  The man facing her is Enki demanding her to explain her dangerous and irresponsible actions.  That is probably the reason why she is portrayed with a male body ... the only way she could deal with Enki's adamant demands.  I missed seeing the small missile shown between the two male images.  It is not a nuclear missile but it is a missile with an extremely explosive warhead.
Image 031W:  Now I am going to return to Marduk.  The three symbols associated with him are shown in the top left.  The call the left symbol a spade, the middle symbol is a dragon head, and the right symbol they call an inkwell for a scribe.  The experts assign these symbols without giving an explanation as to their meaning.  For example, what does a spade or an ink well have to do with Marduk.  Doe the spade mean he is a gardener or laborer in construction.  Those explanations are not harmonious with what we know about Marduk nor is it harmonious with my own interpretations of those same symbols.  In all the previous Anunnaki images the spade is a nuclear missile and the inkwell is the guidance/launch instrumentation.  It is obvious that the symbols in this image are the same symbols shown in all the preceding images.  Marduk is the god of war and the ruler of the gods.  Also notice the image at the far right.  It is an image of Pazuzu, the personification of evil itself.
Image 032W:  This is another carving showing the serpent dragon that is associated with Marduk and the nuclear missile (not spade) symbol.
Image 033W:  Another carving showing the serpent dragon and nuclear missile symbols that are associated with Marduk.
Image 034W:  Another scene showing the confrontation between Enki's human wife and the goddess of war, Ishtar.  It appears in many different time periods of the Mesopotamian civilization giving credibility to the story and legend.  Ishtar is shown as a male but is easily identified by her exposed leg and star symbol near her head.  You can also see the symbol for the nuclear missile, the nuclear blast, and the guidance/launch instrumentation.  Enki's wife is very adamant in her stance appearing to be shaking her fist at Ishtar!
Image 035W:  In this image you see Marduk receiving a message from courier.   You see the traditional symbols associated with Marduk, the serpent dragon, the guidance/launch instrumentation, and the nuclear missile.  At the top you see a new symbol that is not only new but is also now connected to Marduk.  This symbol represents the smoke, wind, fire, and carnage associated with a nuclear blast.
Image 036W:  This is another carving of Marduk.  Here he appears to be pointing to the new symbol that represents the smoke, wind, fire and carnage associated with a nuclear blast.  Just to the right of his head you see the symbols for the guidance/launch instrumentation, and the nuclear missile.  Does this imply that Marduk was the Anunnaki god that actually lunched the nuclear missiles?  There may be an even darker and insidious part of Marduk that I am not prepared to reveal at this time.  Depending on how well this blog is received, I will reveal this secret at a later time.
Image 037W:  I know you all are tired of reading so this will be my last image in this gallery.  To the right you see three men offering gifts to the Gods.  Just to the left you see the symbol for the nuclear missile.   You see two missiles with round objects at their top.  As explained earlier this type of missile is either launching spy satellites or nuclear missiles with multiple warheads.  Notice the small man in a arched doorway pointing to circular globes at the top of the missiles. 

Besides these carvings there is an abundance of physical evidence from all over the world showing that indeed sometime in our distant past a global nuclear holocaust did indeed occur!  As I said earlier, depending upon how well this blog is receive I will post another chapter on this blog describing this physical evidence.

In the meantime, I would appreciate hearing you comments about this blog.  You can send me an email on the contact form found on every page of this blog.  You can also help keep this blog open by making a small donation (any amount is acceptable) and or tweeting, googling, or emailing this site to all of your friend and social media sites.  I am still looking for a publisher for my books and I have several business opportunities for anyone desiring to start their own business.  All products being offered have been designed and or patented by me.  Be sure to read the page "Why I Started This Blog".  It will explain my situation in detail.