

The images and content on this blog is the culmination of my life's work.  I have taken extreme efforts to enlarge and improve the quality of the the images to make them easier for you to view them.  Please respect these efforts and do not use or copy any content or images without getting approval from me.  They will be used in my upcoming book "They Are Here-See The Proof"


Image 001U: If you are a lover of Unicorns like I am you will feel sorry, disappointment, and anger at the atrocities inflicted upon these beautiful creatures.  Here you see a beautiful Unicorn in a contest to the death with a huge lion.
Image 002U: A different wall carving showing the same scenario. It is obvious that this type of perverted sport was intended to amuse and entertain the Anunnaki gods.  They created the Unicorn using cross species DNA splicing techniques to create this beautiful, mysterious steed that legends are made of ... for one purpose only ... to be killed in the hunt or in the arena of death with monstrous, blood thirsty, lions.
Image 003U:  This is a picture of a Winged Unicorn from the reconstructed walls of Babylon. Once again I am going against the mainstream interpretations of the experts ... because for the life of me I cannot understand why they persist in calling this beautiful creature a "Bull"!  It has the body of a horse, the wings of a Pegasus, and only one horn growing out of the center of the forehead.  This single horn is the signature design of a Unicorn.
Image 004U: Another picture of a Unicorn from the reconstructed walls of Babylon.  When I assign responsibility for the creation of these creatures to the Anunnaki, I am including all of their Sumerian successors and their gods for continuing the propagation's of all legendary beasts created by Enki and all the original Anunnaki gods.  These successors are the decedents of the bloodline of the original Anunnaki.
Image 005U: Here you see a Sumerian king greeting dignitaries. You can see a Unicorn on a lease lying submissively on the ground as a symbol of the Sumerian king's power and prestige.
Image 006U: An image of a Unicorn from the original walls of Babylon.
Image 007U: Another image of a Unicorn for the original walls of Babylon.
Image 008U: This beautiful Unicorn is being ripped apart by a ferocious lion.  Know your enemy by his artistic legacy!  The Anunnaki and their Sumerian successors were not the kind and gentle creators and protectors of humanity as some would have you believe.  They had enormous egos and were the height of evil and perversion.  The immortalized their true self in artistic legacy they left behind for the entire world to see! 
Image 009U: Another beautiful Unicorn (not a bull)  from the reconstructed walls of Babylon.
Image 010U:  A close up of a Sumerian hunter carrying a dead Unicorn across his shoulders that he obviously hunted and killed for sport.
Image 011U:  An image from a cylinder seal showing an Anunnaki god killing a Unicorn for sport by stabbing it in the back of it's head.  The Anunnaki god will eventually remove the Unicorn's horn to keep a trophy.
Image 012U: These are two boundary seals from the Indus Valley clearly showing one horned Unicorns.  Other boundary seals from the Indus Valley clearly show two horns of similar beasts indicating intentional differences and knowledge of two distinct creatures, the bull and the Unicorn.
Image 013U:  You may think that these images are redundant copies of the same image.  They are not!  If you look closely at the body designs on the Unicorns you will see that in most cases they are all different from each other.  
Image 014U: This left image shows the full carving of the Unicorn shown in Image 013U.  The right image is the full size carving of a fragmented and damaged Unicorn carving.
Image 015U:  An enlarged portion of the head of the Unicorn shown on the right side of Image 014U. I hate to sound like a broken record but please take note that the horn is shown coming directly out of the center of the forehead of the Unicorn.
Image 016U: This is a large wall carving showing a Unicorn being savagely attacked by a lion on the steps leading up to an ancient Sumerian city that is under restoration.
Image 017U:  This incredible cylinder seal show the Anunnaki god Enki actually cutting off the horn of a Unicorn.  He holds the horn in one hand while he surgically cuts it out with a knife held in his other hand.  Is this the image of the kind and protective creator of human kind or a sadistic and perverted egocentric Annunaki god?
Image 018U: Here you see the fearless warrior and hunter, the Anunnaki god Enki in hand to hand combat with a cross species genetically enhanced man/lion beast and a unicorn.  The Anunnaki gods were typically ten feet tall and loved to show their prowess in combat.  You see he is holding the entire body of the Unicorn by one leg in the air while stepping on it's head with one foot.  The enraged man/lion beast is lunging forward to attack Enki.  All Enki has to defend himself is a staff with a hook on its end to beat away and restrain the attacking man/lion beast.
Image 019U:  The poor quality of this cylinder seal image does not prohibit what you can see going on.  You can see a Sumerian king holding two unicorns by a harness attached around their lower jaws.
Image 020U:  This is a complex cylinder seal.  It show two Sumerian warriors with clubs and a hatchet fighting  three very stylish Unicorns and a lioness.  
Image 021U:  This is an enlarged view of an organized hunt for Unicorns by Anunnaki/Sumerian warriors on horseback.  The Unicorn has been pierced by three arrows.
Image 022U:  The image on the left is the full size view of the wall carving of Image 021U.  The image on the right is an enlarged view of another Unicorn being trampled under the hoofs of the attacking warriors horses.
Image 023U:  Another Unicorn from the reconditioned walls of Babylon.
Image 024U:  Another Unicorn from the reconditioned walls of Babylon.
Image 025U:  Here you see slaves or immigrants on their way to an unknown destination. Unicorns are being used to pull the cart loaded with supplies and children.
Image 026U:  This is an enlarged view of the Unicorns in the previous image.  When they are not being hunted and killed for sport they are also used as beasts of burden.
Image 027U:

Image 028U:  This simple cylinder seal shows a winged pegasus which is nothing more that a Unicorn with wings.  The horn of the Unicorn is quite visible.
Image 029U:  I was unable to find any information about this cylinder seal.  The artistic style seems to have elements from the Indus Valley particularly the design of the Unicorn but I have not found any evidence of the use of cylinder seals in the Indus Valley.
Image 030U:  The abundance of Unicorns and the primitive hut seems to imply a large domesticated herd of Unicorns.
Image 031U:  This is the last portion of the very large cylinder seal.  It's extreme length leads me to believe it may not be a cylinder seal at all, but instead may a wall carving on some obscure building or temple.
Image 032U:  See Image 034U for a clearer view and description.
Image 033U:  This is the only image in this gallery where the Unicorn is not being killed or abused. My interpretation of this image, which again will be unorthodox, is that the woman in the image is Enki's wife Eve trying to persuade to stop killing Unicorns for sport and using them as beasts of burden.  My entire explanation can be found in the "Enki's Wife" gallery. 
Image 034U:  The Anunnaki/Sumerian warrior has thrust a spear in the neck of the Unicorn on the right an already dislodged it's horn.  The same fate probably awaits the Unicorn on the left.
Image 035U:  You can see engravings of Unicorns battling lions at both ends of this stair case leading up into a ancient Sumerian city.
Image 036U:  Another carving of a Unicorn being savagely attacked by a lion on the damaged wall of the same city.
Image 037U:  A close up of the right hand stair case leading up into the city.
Image 038U:  This is a very rare, one of a kind carving.  It shows a Sumerian family hunting for Unicorns.  What is really rare, and surprising to me in view of the subjugated role that the woman was forced to endure, is the one with the bow actually hunting and killing the Unicorns.  The father is walking along with a dead rabbit in one hand and a dead Unicorn being carried on his shoulders.
The son has his own bow and may have killed the rabbit.
Image 039U:  A close up the the father and son in Image 038U.

Image 040U:  An enlargement of the father carrying the Unicorn.

Image 041U:  I like to be very thorough in my research.  I magnified the image 040U even further to make sure that there were not two horns on the dead animal which would make it a young buck instead of a Unicorn.  You can clearly see that the second smaller horn like object is actually an ear complete with an opening for picking up sound. 
Image 042U:  Another wall carving.
Image 043U:  I wish I had been able to find some images showing humane, kind and loving treatment of Unicorns but instead I found an endless supply of abuse and violent ending of their lives.  This is just another one of those images.
Image 044U:  These images have helped me understand the affects that the Anunnaki DNA has passed on the the human race when they genetically created the slave race of humans from the pre-human primates in Africa.  Then they genetically altered the slave race to make fierce warriors, even more violent and agressive than the Anunnaki their selves, to control the slave race.  Then they created servant humans from the slave race to wait on the Anunnaki royal family hand and foot.  Then Enki took one of the female servants for his mate and had intercourse with her which produced a son, the first hybrid human with both Anunnaki and human DNA.  The rest of the Anunnaki males followed Enki's example and began having intercourse with their female servants having hybrid children of their own.  The Anunnaki women were infuriated by these flagrant indiscretions of the Anunnaki males and demanded they be given genetically modified human warriors to service their own voracious sexual appetite.  Enki conceded to their demands and when the Anunnaki females became pregnant and gave birth to another species of hybrid humans with both the warrior DNA of the Anunnaki and the DNA of the fierce genetically altered human warrior.  This is how the entire human race became infected with the alien bug in our DNA. God help us all!
Image 045U:  The above explanation helps me understand why, after thousand of years of evolution human kind still has endless wars, still uses pit bulls and cock roosters in fights to the death, and why individuals go on safari to Africa to hunt lions, elephants, rhinoceros, just for the fun, trophy, and sport of it.  When you see the trophy of a bear, mountain lion, or a buck with a massive antler display, or terrorists that set off bombs in a crowded city, or shoot innocent children in a school, you will know it is the alien bug in our DNA that is responsible.  Before everyone gets frightened and depressed ... let me leave you with some positive words.  There are evolutionary processes taking place on Earth and other off world realms that may bring all of these destructive energies and insane wanton waste of life to an end.  I will talk more about this in other areas of this blog.  Until then, may God be with you.  This is the last image in this gallery.
Image 046U:  I was working on images for another art gallery and found this image of an Anunnaki/Sumerian king holding the horn of a Unicorn with one hand while he cuts out the horn with a knife held in his other hand.  A servant holding an axe is waiting to slaughter the Unicorn after its horn is removed.