

Everything we know about the Anunnaki was written by the Anunnaki.  Those ancient texts told us that the Anunnaki created the human race.  True!  They told us about the atomic wars.  True! They told us about mining for gold in Africa using human slaves. True!  They called their selves gods.  True they did but False: They were not gods, they were aliens that came to Earth from the planet Nibiru!  They were worshiped as the immortal gods.  True! and False!  Their life span in Earth years was anywhere from 100,000 to 500,000 earth years.   


That unusually long life span in human years did make the Anunnaki appear to be immortal!  Remember the movie Highlander, where the immortals never died unless beheaded in battle with another immortal. They concealed their secret as they lived among passing generations, upon generations of normal humans by assuming new names and identities of deceased humans. 

The two Anunnaki Gods that I am concerned with in this post are Enki, the god of war and Ishtar, the goddess of war!   Historians have said that as one religion declined it was replaced or paralleled with new religions that absorbed and included the old gods into their new evolving religions, just giving them new names.  The following list shows the different names given to Enki and Ishtar as they were absorbed into their culture and religions.

Enki: Ea, Marduk, Urki, Ptah-Khnum, Adonai, Poseidon, Hephaetus, Vulcan, Agni, Itzamna, Ahriman/Shiva, Hoenir, Ogon, Ahti, Manannan, Ra, Helios, and Apollo/Mithras.

Ishtar: Inannaa, Lillith, Isis, Isi, Cybele, Aphrodite, Venus, Rhea, Ashtoreth, Astarte, Estre, Artemis, Diana, Hathor, Devaki, Henggo, Matsoopo, Coattlicoe, Friig, and Freyda.

HERE IS THE BIGGEST LIE ABOUT THE ANUNNAKI:  The Anunnaki texts tell us that after the nuclear wars Enki and his surviving followers left Earth and returned to their home planet Nibiru.  The big lie is THEY NEVER LEFT EARTH!!!!!  I began to suspect that when I saw the identical war strategies in the "War Tactics Of The Anunnaki" and those being used by ISIS terrorists today.  That is when I researched the different names given to Enki and Ishtar and found that when they were absorbed into the various religions under new names they were using the same cloak of invisibility that the immortals used in the movie "Highlander"!  What better way than to become invisible gods that could control and enslave the human race and their minds though religion!

Remember, their lifespan in human years is between 100,000 to 500,000 years.  Not only are they responsible for destroying most of the ancient civilizations, controlling today's modern wars and governments, they are also most likely responsible for the ancient destroyed cities that lie on the bottom of Earths oceans.  There are still some parts of the puzzle that needs to be connected but this is 85 percent of the puzzle pieces in place.  Please give it a 1+ if you like it!