
Ancient Martian Megaliths

These are a few of the surviving images from my original research back in 2011 and 2012 that was lost when my three computers were intentionally sabotaged.
There is no mistaking this for anything but a humanoid head.  It is approximately 3 miles wide by 4 miles in length.  NASA and would be Nay Sayers would say it was the result of the psychological phenomenon pareidolia that causes some people to see or hear a vague or random image or sound as something familiar and significant.  I on the other hand say that if looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and walks like a duck ... it is a duck.  This is a humanoid head!  It obviously has to be very old, perhaps 50 to 100 million years old.
Here is another great candidate for the pro-pareidolia mind set.  It is a perfect recreation of the side profile of an Egyptian queens head.  Look at the amazing detail of the lips, nose, eye, and even to the snake symbol on the crown.  It is approximately 4.5 miles from the base of the neck to the top of crown.  Embed this image in your mind.  I will show you similar alien megaliths at the bottom of Earths oceans.

There are several factors involved in the scientific mindset that activates their need to discount these types of images as pareidolia.  First of all humanoid and Egyptian heads have no place in their expectations of a seemingly dead and destroyed planet.  Perhaps an alien head would be more acceptable but even then it would probably be classified as a pareidolia phenomena.  And then there is the matter of credentials and authentication by someone in the scientific community.  They tend to view ufologists and amateur researchers as unprofessional individuals incapable of interpreting and analyzing what they are seeing with their biased and preset pareidolia mindset.   
This awesome bird shaped structure on Mars could very easily fit in with bird shaped structures found on Earth at Nazca, Peru.  It is approximately 5.5 miles from tip to tip of the wing span and 4.4 miles from the beak to the end of the tail feathers.  The possibility of these structures being found on both Mars and Earth presents an enormous dilemma for the scientific community!  How will it affect the consciousness of the people of Earth? For the devoted religious individual, will it alter and disturb their concepts about God?  And more importantly, could it mean that at one time in the distant past, did the people of Mars colonize Earth, before or after the cataclysm that destroyed their planet?  Could we be the descendants of the Martian survivors?
I found this image on Mars in late 2010.  It is not a megalith but it something even more important.  It is an abundance of flowing water and it is not located in the polar regions. NASA has explained these type of images as being calcium or other mineral deposits.  I always explore unique objects and areas like this in detail. I took over thirty overhead photos of this region and then investigated it in the landscape mode.  I even recorded a movie of this region which I intended to post on YouTube.  The movie showed rivers and streams of water flowing around and over top stones and rocks in the river channels.  It did show snow and ice melting which apparently was the was the source of this abundant water supply.  I live in Ohio and I imagined this area on Mars to be much like the area I live in.  Here on Earth we go through annual seasonal changes of winter, spring, summer, fall.  During winter the snow falls, melting and thawing, often causing flooding in city and rural areas.  In spring the snow fall ceases and the melting and thawing process continues until all traces of the winter snow and ice is gone.  The water from this melting process flows into the rivers, streams, lakes, and underground reservoirs providing an abundant supply of fresh water for drinking, growing crops, replenishing marine life in our rivers and lakes. 

On 9/28/2015 NASA made a historic press release announcing that they had found possible evidence of rivers of flowing water on Mars that appeared to be connected to seasonal changes.  Their evidence appears to be based upon detailed analysis of ancient riverbeds and not upon the areas shown in the above image.  What is interesting is that their research began in late 2010 ... around the same time period I took the above image and the same time my three computers were hit and wiped out with a virus.  I will discuss this possibility in detail in my "Conspiracy Theories" post.
I am adding this image of the alien shuttle craft which I found in 2016.  This is indisputable proof of alien life on Mars and yet I can't get the attention of anyone in the world, not even one response, to this important discovery.  Instead I am black balled globally!  I actually found 6+ similar alien shuttle crafts in this same area on Mars.  I returned and combed this area for more evidence taking over 500 images on Google Earth.  Don't think for one minute that NASA is not aware of this shuttle craft.  They are, and they don't want anyone else to know about it.  The race is on to get to Mars by Russia, India, China, the United States, etc.  Why?  Because of this city and the alien space shuttles.  The first nation to make contact reaps all the rewards.  But what will happen if the aliens are not friendly?  Will our actions be the beginning of the "War Between The Worlds"?  This image was my main impetus for launching this blog!