

In Part 1 of this series I posted excerpts from several Internet sources alluding to some severe and intensive naval battles that were purported to be occurring in several portions of Earths oceans.  At that time I stated it would be almost impossible for these battles to be occurring without heavy causalities which would be extremely difficult to keep from the families of the victims without someone leaking it to the news media.  I did go on to explain that my own research did substantiate the possibility.  This past weekend I did found some highly suspicious news articles that substantiate our preparation for war using weapons that definitely are being designed to be implemented in naval encounters with unknown underwater facilities and lifeforms.  This is a summation of those articles.


The headlines read: "Earthquake' reported off Florida waters was really a Navy test".  Here are some excerpts from the article:

WASHINGTON – The new littoral combat ship (LCS) Jackson was showered by spray and shaken by a large explosion June 10 as she endured the first of a series of controlled tests intended to prove the design’s ability to withstand and survive combat and damage.

A 10,000-pound explosive charge was set off about a hundred yards from the Jackson – the Navy wouldn’t say exactly how close, saying the actual distance is classified – in waters off Florida’s Atlantic coast.

So was there any damage?

“Nothing unexpected,” said Capt. Thurraya Kent, a spokesperson for the Navy’s acquisition directorate. She acknowledged that minor damage was expected, such as items falling to the deck or glass cracking, and some components could be stressed.

About 260 instruments are placed throughout the ship to measure various aspects of the blast, which strikes above and below the water. After the test, the Jackson returned to the Mayport Naval Station where engineers downloaded instrument data, examined the ship and made necessary repairs, Kent said.

Another test is scheduled to take place around June 22, she said. A third and final shot planned for July 8. Each test will use the same 10,000-pound explosives charge, but the ship will be moved progressively closer to the explosion.

The test schedule, Kent noted, is volatile, subject to weather conditions, traffic in the vicinity of the blast and marine fish and mammal activity. The first test, she noted, was delayed several days by weather.

Full Scale Shock Trials (FSST) are performed on most new US Navy ship designs, although Congress – at the urging of Pentagon OT&E director Michael Gilmore – actually wrote into law a requirement for the LCS tests. Thus, the tests are coming earlier in the LCS production line than originally planned.
With two different LCS designs in production, there will be two series of shock trials. Jackson represents the Independence LCS 2 class, while the Milwaukee will test the Freedom LCS 1 design.

The Milwaukee recently completed a maintenance period and is also operating from Mayport. Her first test shot is scheduled for Aug. 9 and the last on Sept. 13. The ship recently completed a firing exercise using her 57mm gun.

The full series of LCS shock trials will cost about $65 million, Kent said, using research, development, testing and evaluation funding.
In the Pacific, meanwhile, the Freedom and another Independence-class ship, the Coronado, are preparing to take part in Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC) exercises that begin in late June.

The Coronado completed the initial operational testing and evaluation of the SeaRAM Rolling Airframe Missile weapon system for its class on June 2, and is expected to leave San Diego for Hawaii June 22, fitted with launch canisters for the Harpoon missile, the first installation of a new over-the-horizon (OTH) capability developed by the Navy.

After taking part in RIMPAC, the Coronado will continue to Singapore to begin the first deployment of an LCS 2-class ship. She’s expected to operate in the region up to 18 months or more.

The Freedom will not travel to Pearl Harbor, but rather will take part in a Southern California series of RIMPAC exercises with five other ships. This fall, she will be fitted with launchers for the Raytheon/Kongsberg Naval Strike Missile, a Norwegian weapon that is being considered, along with Harpoon, as the OTH weapon for LCSs and the follow-on LCS frigate.

And in Singapore, engineers are working to restore as much of the Fort Worth’s engineering capability as possible before the ship leaves for San Diego.

The Fort Worth’s power plant was severely damaged Jan. 12 in a pier side accident at Singapore’s Changi naval base, in which the ship’s engines were mistakenly engaged and the combining gear, a complex piece of equipment that allows the ship’s two gas turbines and two main propulsion diesel engines to be cross-connected to propulsion shafts, was wrecked.

My Notes:The shock waves from this explosion were measured on seismographs as far away as Venezuela.

The tests were conducted in coastal water off Florida.  

The ships "Freedom" and the "Coronado" to participate in Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC) exercises where most of the intensive battles talked about in my first article took place.

After the (RIMPAC) exercises the Coronado will be deployed to Singapore in Southeast Asia.  A large portion of the international fleet purported to be fighting the Aliens in the Pacific Rim were from China. 

Besides being heavily fortified against explosive impacts near the ships some are also be equipped with surface to air and surface to surface missiles.

The headlines from the second article read: "Tomahawk missile crashes in Florida Panhandle". Here are some excerpts from that article:

A U.S. Navy Tactical Tomahawk missile conducting a routine flight test operation near Eglin AFB on April 19 terminated in the Choctawhatchee Bay before completing its mission.

There were no injuries and no property was damaged at the site.

The Choctawhatchee Bay is located within Okaloosa and Walton counties in Florida.

That's where Chris Call of Georgia was fishing from his boat when he saw this missile whiz by and crash into the water nearby.

Call told FOX10 News, "Next thing I know, I hear whistling. And usually in the movies the bombs whistle when they let them go and it kind of blew my mind. So I started looking and then over my right shoulder in the air I saw the missile coming down, and it probably landed 50 to 100 yards in front of my boat."

The inert missile is used exclusively for flight testing and does not carry explosive or radioactive material. The crash site is in Hogtown Bayou in a sparsely populated area.

Navy, Air Force and regional authorities quickly responded to the crash scene, where clean-up of the site is underway.

The Navy was conducting a flight test coordinated by the Navy's Tomahawk Weapon System program at the Naval Air Systems Command at Patuxent River, Maryland.  The Tomahawk successfully launched from a U.S. Navy submarine off the southern tip of Florida. The missile's flight path was coordinated with the Federal Aviation Agency to avoid residential and commercial areas.

Navy officials are investigating the cause of flight termination.

The Tomahawk Weapon System is the U.S. Navy's premier, precision strike stand-off weapon for attack of long range, medium range, and tactical targets. The Tomahawk Weapon System provides the capability to attack inland targets in areas where the United States may or may not have sea or air control. Tomahawk missiles are launched from U. S. Navy surface ships and U.S. Navy and Royal Navy submarines.

Florida was the prime location of the incidents in these two articles.  From my own research I know that both Florida and the Mississippi Delta have an abundance of both Terra-Formers and Star Gate (Transporters).

The battles described in Part 1 were against extremely fast and mobile alien spacecraft that came up out of the ocean at lightning speed firing unknown weapons and explosives at the navel fleet causing massive casualties and damage.  Is that why our Navy is attempting to fortify our ships against close proximity explosions?  Is that why they are installing surface to air and surface to surface missiles on all of their ships?

Did the missile in this second news article actually misfire or was it a successful test of a new surface to underwater missile designed to attack and destroy alien installations at the bottom of our oceans?  If there had not been a witness to the alleged misfire the Navy would not have been required to explain the questionable misfire and no one would know why they were conducting surface to underwater missile tests.

 Image 001W2:  Two Transporters with accompanying buildings.  Transporters are gateways for moving supplies, alien troops, machinery, spacecraft, and human slaves to and from other off world sites.  These transporters are located in coastal waters off Florida.
 Image 002W2: Two twin Transporters with accompanying buildings located in coastal waters off Florida.  The alien spacecraft coming up out of the oceans to fight our Naval forces may actually be hidden beneath the surface of these transporters.
Image 003W2:  A very large Transporter building complex in Florida coastal waters.
Image 004W2:  A large Transporter surrounded by smaller buildings located off the coast of Florida.  Quite an intimidating collection of our alien enemies installations!
Image 005W2:  Florida isn't the only local area saturated with alien secret installations.  These three transporters are from the nearby waters of the Mississippi Delta.   The large structure on the right side is a partial view of an even larger transporter.
Image 006W2:  A single transporter found in the Mississippi Delta.  The surrounding buildings are storage warehouses, living quarters, and control centers.
Image 007W2:  Three transporters surrounded by smaller buildings also from the Mississippi Delta region.  The coastal waters near the United states are definitely infested with aliens.
Image 008W2:  This large Transporter system is located in the Mississippi Delta.  These are the same types of installations that I have found in every ocean and all the large fresh water lakes all around the world!
For the moment I am going to move on to the third News Article.  The headline reads: U.S. NAVY KILLING THOUSANDS OF WHALES & DOLPHINS WITH SONAR & WEAPONS TESTING! Source: Collective Evolution, ARJUN WALIA, FEBRUARY 3, 2014  This image shows the use of Sonar Source Arrays and Air Gun Arrays all transmitting signals at 200 to 250 decibels.  The threshold for death is 185-200 dB.

Not only have whales been showing up dead with dozens of pounds of toxic, plastic waste inside their stomachs, the U.S Navy plans to raise the death toll by conducting underwater testing of explosive weapons and sonar devices. Tests will be and are taking place in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, including the Gulf of Mexico. These events are set to commence and take place from 2014 through 2019. The title is not an exaggeration, depending on the vicinity of the animals detonating these explosives underwater, it will kill whales and dolphin and injure many,according to two environmental impact statements released by the military.

Keep in mind, these events have been occurring for a number of years, and are responsible for the death of large amounts of marine life.

The Navy is not denying these facts. They have admitted that most of the deaths would come from detonation of explosives, sonar testing or animals being hit by ships. Although I do not trust Navy estimates, according to their computer models this activity could kill hundreds of whales. The Navy said it developed the estimates by totaling the hours it will test and practice with sonar, torpedoes, missiles, explosives and other equipment for five years.  This testing will be (and already has been) responsible for the death of thousands.

According to Green Peace, government estimates are calculated at 138,500 whales and dolphins will be injured or killed.(2) There are also corporate interests here, exploration companies are allowed to use dangerous blasts of noise to search for offshore oil and gas. The U.S. Department of the Interior is considering allowing geophysical companies that work for the oil and gas corporations to use these techniques in the Atlantic Ocean, from Delaware to Florida.

“There are no noise-cancelling headphones to stop the U.S. Navy’s 235-decibel pressure waves of unbearable pinging and metallic shrieking. At 200Db, the vibrations can rupture your lungs, and above 210 Db, the lethal noise can bore straight through your brain until it hemorrhages that delicate tissue. If you’re not deaf after this devastating sonar blast, you’re dead. This is the real life of marine mammals destroyed by the U.S. Navy’s all-out acoustic war on the world’s oceans. The collateral damage of this high intensity military sonar is shocking. But because all these millions of dying whales or dolphins are too often out of human sight, they’re also out of mind”

Just like Orca researcher Ken Balcomb calls it, this is “acoustic holocaust.” Scientific American calls military sonar a brutal and inhumane death sentence.

The Navy is claiming that these tests are needed for homeland security.  The Navy has rejected any suggestion to limit their sonar and weapons training.  There is a lot more information on this topic, nothing is hidden and everything is out in the open. This is happening, and it is killing a large amount of marine life.

Source: ExtremeTech  By Sebastian Anthony on February 4, 2014 at 2:30 pm

Can sound kill you? The short answer is “yes” — and, rather shockingly, the European Space Agency says that it now has such a sonic weapon in its arsenal that, if it was so inclined, could kill you. 

The threshold for death is usually pegged at around 185-200 dB.  The general consensus is that a loud enough sound could cause an air embolism in your lungs, which then travels to your heart and kills you. Alternatively, your lungs might simply burst from the increased air pressure.

The use of  deadly sonar, torpedoes, missiles, explosives and other equipment is a strange recipe for peaceful research!  These tests are being conducted in oceans all around our world.  To put it another way, we are waging WAR against the aliens all around our world!

In order for the aliens to have secretly built thousands upon thousands of installations all over Earths ocean floor, they most certainly are using technology and sciences that are thousands of years ahead of our own.  Their superior intelligence gathering apparatus would allow them to know in advance our every move and implement defensive strategies to neutralize or destroy if necessary any and all attempts to attack and destroy their installations.

The only unknown in all of this would be a miscalculation that precipitated the launching of Earth's defensive nuclear missiles.  The aliens are uncertain of their ability to neutralize and destroy our missiles should they be launched!  Such a holocaust would destroy most human and alien life on Earth and render it uninhabitable for hundreds and even thousands of years! 


I am attaching links to other posts relevant to this post.