
Are We Already At War With The Aliens?

I am going to include some highly controversial and unsubstantiated excerpts from the website “Before Its News”. Here is a link to the website if anyone cares to read the entire article:

According to John Kettler, a former US military contractor and scientist, there is an expanding UFO war that is now taking place in waters off Antarctica. Kettler cites unnamed “sensitive sources” to substantiate his claims that a US led coalition of naval forces is militarily engaging with hostile extraterrestrials. This UFO war is an extension of alleged naval battles off the coast of San Francisco earlier reported by Gordon Duff from Veterans Today who refers to his own unnamed “reliable” sources.”

According to John Kettler, who has written a series of articles claiming that the US Navy along with its allies are battling hostile extraterrestrials based in underwater locations in the Pacific.”
Note: This is an artist rendition and not an actual photo.

Last night, 20 UFOs, traveling at 25,000 mph, left the Antarctic Ocean in a group and went to Guadalajara, Mexico. Another group of 15, flying at the same speed, went to Argentina. This morning, 12 more emerged and went to Chile

Duff made similar claims to a UFO war in the Pacific that he originally reported in September.”

Now an Asian intelligence agency reports that a combined fleet operation between the US and China has been going on, a full combat operation against what we are told is a “highly unfriendly extra-terrestrial threat.”

The verifications of the fleet operations have been many, there have been no confirmations from the US side though the ships have been seen by every vessel that makes it offshore.
The true nature of both the threat and the extent of the multinational military force used is beyond any imaginable classification level.”

Kettler also wrote an article titled, “UFO War Explodes Through Entire Pacific Ocean! Now A Coalition War!,” where he claimed: UFO War in the Pacific has now become a five-nation coalition war through the Pacific Basin, per supersensitive terrestrial sources.”

Naval forces involved include the U.S. Navy (U.S.), PLAN (People’s Liberation Army Navy) (China), JMSDF (Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force) (Japan), ROKN (Republic of Korea Navy) (South Korea) and ROCN (Republic of China Navy) (Republic of China/Taiwan) … Total is around 200 ships, including two U.S. aircraft carrier battle groups, many additional surface combatants (frigates through cruisers), numerous submarines and multiple URGs (underway replenishment groups) to keep all the warships fueled, munitioned, crews fed and supplied with multitudes of items.”

Personal Comments on this article: If conflicts of this magnitude took place it would be almost impossible to prevent leaks to the media. Severe causalities and losses would have been incurred that again would be very difficult to keep secret from the families and probing media. Whistle blowers would have a field day with this type of sensationalism.

On the other hand, my own voluminous research proves and supports the possibility of these conflicts. I have found and documented with detailed images from Google Earth of a huge alien city on Mars, Its twin city, two different alien mining operations, and thousands of Terra-Formers, transporters (Star Gates), and massive alien buildings and statues at the bottom of Earths oceans. These images prove beyond any doubt alien activity and presence on Earth!