

The images and content on this blog are the personal property of Frederick Merat and are excerpts from his upcoming book "They Are Here - See The Proof".  They cannot be copied or reproduced, without obtaining permission from Frederick Merat. 

Past research indicates that industrial pollution, deforestation, and overall misuse of out global resources by humans is the cause of Global Warming.  The melting of the polar icecaps in the Arctic and Antarctic are accelerating faster than all previous predictions.  The overall global temperatures are mirroring the changes taking place at the polar Ice Caps.  Severe weather patterns are evolving, sea levels are rising and coastal flooding has begun.  Coral reefs are dying and all sea life everywhere is being negatively impacted by the rising temperatures. Our food chain is being modified in ways that no one can anticipate or prepare for.  Everything is interconnecting and interdependent … what affects one affects the whole.

Recent research indicates that the Great Lakes and lakes all over the world, our main sources of fresh water, are warming up at a rate 2 to 4 times faster than the oceans and atmosphere.  This information has shocked and stunned the scientific community.  They have no plausible explanation for the mysterious and frightening increase.

Yes human greed must bear the responsibility for abusing our beloved planet that set in motion the processes of Global Warming.  These actions have played right into the hands of the aliens that desire to take over Earth and enslave its inhabitants.  Image 001 shows three Terra-Formers found in the Great Lakes region.  I have found these structures in all the oceans and the larger lakes on Earth.


Image 001T: TERRA-FORMING is a process envisioned by our greatest scientific engineers and science fiction writers.  Ideally it is a process that transforms the atmosphere and terrain on an inhospitable and barren planet such as Mars into an environment suitable for human life.  Many things have dual applications that can be both beneficial or destructive.  For example a gun can be used to put food on the table or to kill another human being in an act of passion or war.  Nuclear energy can be used to generate electricity or create weapons of mass destruction.

The negative application of Terra-Forming is to change the environment of a planet to make it inhospitable for it's current inhabitants to allow an alien species to take over and inhabit that planet.  That is the agenda and purpose of the Terra-Formers located at the bottom of Earths oceans and lakes.  This image shows three Terra-Formers from the Great Lakes region.
Image 002T:  What do Terra-Formers look like and how do they work?  The preceding images are typical examples of Terra-Formers.  Besides cross shapes, they can also be simple squares, L-shapes,  T-shapes, and random shapes.  They usually have a solid surface as shown in the images above but sometimes there may be small buildings on them, nearby, or connected to them.  The images only show the top of the Terra-Former.  It actually extends several hundred feet beneath it's surface.  Think of the top surface as one of the new induction stove tops.  A magnetic field passes through the stove top surface and passes thorough special metallic pots heating them up instantaneously.  The stove top surface does not get hot.  Only the pot heats up.  The technology used by the aliens is different but in principle is the same.  The top surface heats up raising the surrounding water temperature and the buried bottom portion heats up the surrounding earth. This image was found in Arctic waters.
Image 003T:  Another cross shaped Terra-Former from the Arctic region.
Image 004T:  This image is very important because it shows the other side of the insidious alien program and agenda.  The previous images introduced you to the individual cross shaped Terra Former.  The square shaped structure in this image is the Terra-Former surrounded by a small star gate complex.  Some people call them portals, star gates, gate ways, and worm holes. I prefer to call them transporters.   This transporter complex is very small compared to others that I have located.  The square Terra-Former is controlled and programmed by the transporter complex.
Image 005T:  A cross shaped Terra-Former in coastal waters near Mexico.  The larger building on the right side of the picture is a partial view of a transporter.
Image 006T: A cross shaped Terra-Former found in the coastal waters near Hawaii.  The aliens are heating up the ocean waters all over the world.  It is no wonder that Global Warming has accelerated faster than all of the predictions by our scientific community!
Image 007T:  An unusually shaped Terra-Former from the Great Lakes region.  Terra-Formers are identified by the solid top surface and not the specific shape.
Image 008T:  This image was found in coastal waters near Peru.  The solid cross shaped object is the Terra-Former.  The other two objects are Transporters that program and control the Terra-Former.
Image 009T:  Three parallel Terra-Formers from coastal waters of Antarctica.  The presence of these Terra-Formers in both the Arctic and Antarctic regions explains why our polar regions are melting at accelerating and unpredictable rates.
Image 010T:  Another Cross shaped Terra-Former found in the coastal waters near China.  I just want to emphasize that all of these images were found on Google Earth as can be seen by the logo and other identifying data that proves their authenticity!
Image 011T:  This Terra-Former was found in coastal waters near New Zealand.  The buildings surrounding the cross shaped Terra-Former are smaller Terra-Formers.
Image 012T:  A Terra-Former found off the Alaskan coast line.  It is entirely possible that the operation and presence of these alien structures could disturb regional stability causing earth tremors and even volcanic eruptions all around the world. 
Image 013T:  This incredibly complex Terra-Former was discovered off the coast of Easter Island. The different colors of the individual sections represent different surface temperatures of the Terra-Former segments.
Image 014T:  An unusually shaped Terra-Former found in the coastal waters near Hawaii.  These images imply that the aliens have been building these structures without detection for hundreds, perhaps thousands of years.  
Image 015T:  A series of unusual cascaded Terra-Formers found off the coast of Florida.  
Image 016T:  Two twin Terra-Formers from the Hudson Bay coastal waters.
Image 017T:  A cross shaped Terra-Former located near an alien transporter.  Besides programming and controlling the Terra-Former, the Transporter is used to move supplies, alien troops, space craft, and abducted humans to and from other off world locations.
Image 018T:  Two Terra-Formers found in the coastal waters off Panama.  The image on this blog represent a very small sampling of thousands of Terra-Formers located all over the world.
Image 019T:  Another strange shaped Terra-Forming structure from the Great Lakes region.  The smaller attached structures are part of the Terra-Forming structure.
Image 020T:  This Terra-Former is also from the Great Lakes region.  In the introduction to this section I stated that the Great Lakes and lakes all over the world, our main sources of fresh water, are warming up at a rate 2 to 4 times faster than the oceans and atmosphere.  The presence of these alien Terra-Formers are the reason!
Image 021T:  Two more Terra-Formers from the Great Lakes region.  An acquaintance of mine who is an avid Scuba diver asked me to give him the locations of these Terra-Formers so that he could go down and explore them.  For his own safety I refused his request.   
Image 022T:  More Terra-Formers from the Great Lakes.  It is premature to begin investigating these sturctures.  We have no idea how many aliens are there and how they would respond to any attempts to invade their obvious secret and sinister agenda.  This should be done by collaboration with our military and institutions in charge of these specific defense strategies.
Image 023T:  Two twin Terra Formers from the Great Lakes region.
Image 024T:  A group of four Terra-Formers and other buildings from the Great Lakes region.
Image 025T:  A cross shaped Terra-Former, two alien transporter, and miscellaneous buildings from the Great Lakes region.  This concludes the section on Terra-Formers.  I am attaching links to other sections that are related to the content in presentation.