
Alien Mining On Earths Oceans


A partial view of the huge pipeline that runs for 250 miles between two different extraction processing pumps. The diameter of the pipes in this particular stretch is .75 miles.  Pipes in other portions of the pipe line have diameters up to 1 mile in diameter.  There is no mistaking this as anything other than a pipeline. The length of the pipe line in this image is 16 miles.
This particular portion of the pipeline is 29 mile long.  It show a complicated interconnecting network of pipes entering and emerging from the surrounding ocean bottom.  I speculate that all of these pipes were carefully hidden under the ocean floor but due to shifting sand and ocean currents portions of the immense pipeline have become exposed.
This incredible structure at the bottom or Earth's oceans is 150 miles wide and 75 miles from top to bottom in the overall image and covers an area of approximately 11,250 square miles. To put that into perspective it is larger than the state of Massachusetts.  It is a second alien mining operation.

Both mining operations are located in the coastal regions in an area where fault lines and tectonic plates are prevalent. The activities of this mining operation could destabilize the geographical topography either intentionally or unintentionally causing earthquakes and Tsunamis in that area.

My book, "They Are Here - See The Proof", has over 40 images of these 2 clandestine alien mining operations with detailed analysis of their operation. Other chapters in the book explains what they are doing with the stolen resources and how they are transporting it off our planet.